Well, it’s Friday and I promised you a lot of surprises. One of my last surprises for the week is a bonus cosplay interview. This is not your ordinary cosplay interview. This interview is with a talented and lovely cosplayer known as the Faces of Freya. She is as talented is she is beautiful. When I did my research for this interview, I didn’t realize the numerous cosplays that existed in her portfolio. I had seen her work before, and just did not realize exactly who it was until I did my research. With that being said, let’s get this interview started. Nerds and Nerdettes, my interview with the Faces of Freya.
1. Who are you and where are you from?
My name is Freya, and I currently live in Orlando, FL but originally from New England
2. How did you discover cosplay?
I started as a historical costumer, long before ‘cosplay’ was a thing. But, I donned my first superhero more recently, after having been a character entertainer for many years.
3. I really love your Ms. Marvel cosplay. What made you choose her?
Honestly, originally, I needed a Marvel character that I ‘fit’. Its important for me to fit the personality as well as the physical. So I read up on her and I loved her character. From Air Force, to NASA, to Women’s magazing….Carol was perfect.
4. Being a huge Punisher fan, I was beyond excited when I saw that you cosplayed the Punisher, Lynn Michaels. How did that idea come to mind?
I love the bad ass characters. They fit me better. I’m not young and gorgeous, I have a LOT of attitude, so this kind of character is my favorite. Almost the anti hero. I can identify better with their motivation than the more ‘boy scout’ characters. The idea, however, came from my best friend and fellow costumer. He outfitted me with the weaponry too!
5. What other genres do you cosplay?
I do, or plan to do, characters from almost everything. Anime is harder for me because I don’t do the characters much justice. My preferred characters however, are historically based or styled. I am planning some spins on familiar characters to make them more my own.
6. Do you prefer photo shoots or going to cons to show off your new cosplays?
That depends. There are some costumes that are more appropriate for shoots than walking the con floor. That being said, I enjoy the cons. Its incredibly exhausting, but getting to meet new people and make new friendships is wonderful.
7. I notice you do a lot of shoots with the True Aquaman, have you ever done shoots with other cosplayers? Is there someone you would love to do a photo shoot with?
I have only shot with a few other people. I haven’t had the chance to do a lot of the big group shoots, yet. I have had the chance to shoot with a couple people, and the shots with Ms. Marvel vs Rogue were SO much fun! Valarie was a blast to work with. I would love to have the opportunity to shoot with my idol, Belle Chere one day (she’s amazing). Also, I love the work that Callie Cosplay does, I hope one day to team up with her too.
8. What are your plans for the future?
Actually, I’m starting to host/co-host some panels at conventions. As much as I love photos, I want to contribute more to the culture than just that. I have started to attend more events as a real guest recently, and I hope that will continue. I also do what I can for charity, visiting children’s hospitals and volunteering my time to make a real difference, in some small way. As far as costumes, I’m dying to do more showcase works, big fancy pieces. I would like to show off my talent for my costume work more than just skin (although the risqué ones are fun too). Characters to come that people will know, however, are She Hulk, Giganta, She Ra and Valkyrie.
9. Where can my readers see more examples of your work?
The best place is my Facebook page (www.facebook.com/facesoffreya) until I get my site up.
I’m also on twitter and Instagram, both as Golden Freya
10. If you had to pick one cosplay, which one is your favorite?
That’s SO hard to answer. My French court gown is one of my favorite things to wear. Lynn is the one I really become. But, Powergirl I think is is my best overall true ‘cosplay’.