I have a treat for you today. Today I have an interview with one of the best known cosplayers as well as costume designers in the world of cosplay. Her name is Olivia and I can guarantee you have seen her work on the world wide web whether you realize it or not. Here is my interview with the always talented and beautiful Olivia.
1. Who are you and where are you from?
My name is Olivia, and I am currently residing in Toronto, Canada.
2. How did you discover cosplay?
I always wanted to dress up as the characters from the shows and movies I watched when I was younger, but at the time didn’t know there was a fancy name for it. When I was 14, I went to my first anime convention and that’s where I discovered it was actually a thing people did. I wore my own costumes the next year and never looked back.
3. I really love your Ice cosplay. What made you choose her?
Initially, I chose Ice because we were doing a Black Lantern group and hers was actually the design I liked the most. After that, I did some research (aka, read more comics) and came to really like her character. We’ve got a lot in common, so it was really easy to slip into the roll.
4. Who is your favorite comic character to cosplay?
Funny enough, Ice! Since it is so easy to get in-character, I just always have a blast being her, whether I’m in her regular suits or as a Black Lantern. Though I am also a huge Black Canary fan and keep meaning to remake my old suit.
5. What other genres do you cosplay?
A little bit of everything! I haven’t done as many anime costumes recently for myself as I used to, but I still consistently bring a Sailor Moon costume to Anime North every year. I’ve been trying to make more video game costumes since I’ve neglected the genre a little bit. I’ve been playing video games since I could grasp the controller, so it’s something I definitely want to put more time into. The problem is, I’m often too busy playing them to actually make the costumes now! I’ve also done things from North American animation, books and movies, though they’re a minority comparatively.
6. What is your favorite way to show off your cosplay?
My favourite way is to go to the conventions and actually be out and about wearing them and seeing people. Other than that, I like doing photoshoots so I can have photos of the characters in locations that are appropriate to put on my website or fanpage.
7. Do you do other modeling besides cosplay?
Nothing professional, but I do like to dress up in pretty clothes (especially if I made them) for my photographer friends.
8. What are your plans for the future?
Other than working through my Sailor Moon commissions, I have a pile of my own stuff I’m trying to get through. Currently I’m working on the scale mail for Leliana, from the Sacred Ashes trailer for Dragon Age. I’m also working on my own Sailor Moon costumes and hoping to get Beatrix from Final Fantasy IX done as well.
9. Where can my readers see more examples of your work?
Oh, I’m all over the place here. For the most constant updates and photos, my Facebook is the way to go www.facebook.com/OliviasAtelier . If you’re just looking for the photos, everything is up and organized on my website www.oliviasatelier.com/ . Twitter and tumblr have more of my day to day things and interests, and are good if you want to learn more about me personally twitter.com/Olivias_Atelier and oliviasatelier.tumblr.com/ .
10. If you had to pick one cosplay, which one is your favorite?
I feel like a knob, because in my head I haven’t made anything I feel is a technical challenge yet. However, I do like my Odette costume a whole bunch. Most people apparently didn’t watch Swan Princess, and so they don’t know who I am, which is a little disappointing. But! I love being a pretty princess, so I always have fun wearing it anyways.