The new Onlive Game System is an experiment in “remote gaming”  best likened to a Netflix account where all games are on your instant queue, readily at your fingertips.  Originally designed for PC’s and Macs, the system has recently evolved to encompass a third arena, HD Gaming on your big beautiful boob tube. Extremely affordable at 99$, it comes with a sweet HDMI cable, a controller, and an incredibly tiny console(it is simply a transmitter/receiver)  allowing for an inconspicuous fit into any entertainment center.  All games are actually run on Onlive’s servers and data is transmitted completely over the internet to your television and back again.  The games look great, as they must in order to compete with existing options of XBOX360 and PS3, but you’ll surely be missing out on those systems exclusive titles. The only other snag with the entire system is a deal-breaker in its recommended internet service of 5mbps. As the volume of information being tossed back and forth it explodes in latency and causes a constant delay, to which the user must first acclimate.  That’s at its best. If your connection is sub par, less than 3mbps, it’s possible and the system won’t even allow you online.  All in all, I would say the system is a strong development for the gaming community which will possibly have applications to even our day to day lives. It’s just a shame we don’t have better internet to bear the immense load.


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During my incubation period, the world could barely withstand the strain as it shook with anticipation. My arrival was met with devastation to Mexico and Argentina via earthquake, Canada was ripped through by a swarm of tornadoes, and Hurricane Gloria mangled the east coast of North America. It was as though the elements were sounding the arrival of their king with all the vigor they could muster. Pleased to meet you, won't you guess my name?