The puppets return, this time they hunt some Paranormal Researchers to take their brain fluid for the dead/living puppet master, André Toulon. This sequel, released 2 years after the first film, also was a straight to video release.

Yes that’s right, the puppets are out to avenge their creator whilst trying to bring him back to life, just like he gave them life. We also see a new addition to the puppets with ‘Torch’.




This film brings more action from the puppets that the previous film, and it’s understandable why that was done. With  the release of “Dolls” just before the first Puppet Master and the release of “Child’s Play” not long after killer toys had become a trend in the genre. Also be honest with yourselves, who doesn’t want to see a load of killer puppets on the loose ;)

Also the return of Toulon, who look’s exactly like the invisible man with his bandages, robe and glasses is brilliant. I’m also glad to see they stuck with the same accent, which might seem like nothing but something like that can usually go missing with films but you can see alot of thought went into this sequel.


We also see a new host of victims, a wide varied bunch of victims they are as well. This sequel has more comedic elements to it than it’s predecessor, although you’d think killer puppets was enough comedy itself, it turns out you can add more jokes without ruining the film. The character of Toulon is a mesmerizing one, his demeanor reminds me of Bela Lugosi’s portrayal of Dracula, if you’ve seen the film you’ll know what I mean.

The puppets are truly the main stars though, you could put any a-list actor in these films and people wouldn’t bother, it’d be all about those puppets, and so it should be, I’ve never been so enthralled by a killer toy before, no not even with Chucky. It’s hard to believe they aren’t real, that’s what makes them scary and above any other killer toys. we also see the inside workings of the puppets for the first time.


This sequel really goes into detail and is a great addition to the series, it’s does what a sequel is supposed to do, carry on the story without ruining the first film and in some cases better it. I’m also glad to say it get’s better ;)

Miscellaneous facts about the film:

Mr. Punch, the lead doll from Dolls, is featured in a background self in Andre Toulon’s hotel room.

There’s nothing much about Torch’s history. The only details are that he was built in Puppet Master II by Andre Toulon.


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I have an obsession with all things Horror and it's an honour to share my passion with you all!