
A policewoman, her quarry and an innocent delivery boy become trapped in a haunted toy warehouse.

You voted for it, you got it!  This should be fun!

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Anybody who’s familiar with my stuff will know how much of a fan I am of Full Moon films, so when this franchise was chosen I was ecstatic! Now if you’re not familiar with the Full Moon brand then all you need to know is they make amazing lower budget films.

This film is a great testament to that, you’ve got some pretty creepy yet awesome looking toys that are on a killer rampage, my favourite one being the dirty mouthed ‘Baby Oopsie Daisy’, it’s just pure, inspired b-movie fun and there’s nothing wrong with that!


Kudos to the effects team, they truly did an awesome job with the toys, mixed with some great script writing that’s laced with the usual humour you expect from these films. The puns are pure cheese, added with the overacting of the cast it makes for a great comical Horror.

The entertainment value of this flick is through the roof, you can’t help but be trapped by its charm. The Horror genre needs more films like this, something not so serious and all in good fun, just pure enjoyment.

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“Demonic Toys” is a great film to watch if you want a good laugh, get a few friends round and a few beers and just enjoy!

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I have an obsession with all things Horror and it's an honour to share my passion with you all!