Well folks, there we have it, all the Evil Dead films. It’s hard to imagine the Horror genre without our beloved hero Ashley J. Williams.  The impact he’s had on not just the Horror genre but pop culture as-well is huge.

I do have a confession, for those of you who know me it’s no surprise really, I’m a huge, I mean HUGE Bruce Campbell fan! And like many others it  all started with the Evil Dead films.

There are Horror franchises who have a huge number of fans, but for some reason when it comes to the Evil Dead fans it always seems to be more obsessive and over the top, which isn’t a bad thing.

It’s not just about the films, when it comes to a popular franchise it never is, It’s about the merchandise as-well. You’ve got the figurines, the comics, t-shirts and much more. I do highly recommend Freddy Vs Jason VS Ash &  Freddy Vs Jason VS Ash: The Nightmare Warriors

The “Evil Dead” phenomenon is still going strong all these years later and I’m proud to say I’m a part of the fan-base that is truly obsessed with the franchise.

Also the Ladies Of The Evil Dead are now a crowd pleaser at many conventions and have been doing their own thing, visit their website HERE

There’s also the news of the remake which has started filming, it’s being done by Bruce Campbell & Sam Raimi. Personally I’d rather see an “Evil Dead IV” that was rumoured for many years, I’m not going to slam the remake before I see it but I can say I’m not happy about it.

SomeWhatNerdy ~~~ To read all of Raz’s reviews, including all of the Evil Dead movies, click HERE.

Also make sure you visit Raz’s own website HERE and like his Facebook page HERE.

And as always, thanks Raz for another great look back!


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I have an obsession with all things Horror and it's an honour to share my passion with you all!