Jigsaw kidnaps a doctor to keep him alive while he watches his new apprentice put an unlucky citizen through a brutal test.
By this point we all knew that SAW II wouldn’t be the last SAW film, after the success of the first two films it was inevitable that it would continue. I personally went into the cinema with low expectations because how many Horror series are still going strong by number 3? Not many, But oh no, I was wrong. It’s a great film but it just goes to show you how good the film series actually is.
The storyline itself is a great one, when I first saw this one I remember feeling slightly disappointed throughout the film, but I made a big mistake… I forgot that in a SAW film everything comes together towards the end and revelations are made, I think it’s fair to say that the SAW films are not for the stupid, but not being stupid doesn’t mean you cant be vulnerable and these films play on that.
Once again Tobin Bell returns as Jigsaw, by now you know he will always be Jigsaw, which is good to know. With this being the 3rd film you feel he has settled nicely into the role and is making it more his own. We also see Shawnee Smith back by his side after the revelations in SAW II and their back story, which is a well written one.
I think it’s fair to say that this installment has some of the most sickening scenes of the series, between the traps and Jigsaw himself we see a-lot of gruesome and grotesque scenes, it’s hard to make me squirm but this film managed it. We also see the first nude scene in the series, but is is not your typical Horror film nude scene as those who have seen the film know.
This is a film that you need to allow to play out, let it have your attention and you will be rewarded once again with jaw dropping revelations, it is easily the darkest of the series. I know this review may seem short but this film shows us so much it’s hard to talk about it without giving the surprises away. If you haven’t seen it then it truly is a film to be watched and not talked about.
SAW III truly isn’t for the faint hearted or the easily grossed out, I recommend you watch it on an empty stomach. What we witnessed in the first 2 films doesn’t really compare to what we are shown here. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
Miscellaneous facts about the film:
The final shooting draft of the script was written in under a week in Toronto, Canada by Leigh Whannell based on an idea by creator and SAW director James Wan.
The producers asked the producers of Scary Movie 4 if they could use their bathroom set for this movie as it was an exact replica of the sets used in SAW I & II.
According to director Darren Lynn Bousman, the fans of the “House of Jigsaw” message board heavily influenced this film. It is also dedicated to the memory of late SAW producer Gregg Hoffman after his sudden passing in December, prior to the release of SAW II
The film was so anticipated by the fans, that the teaser trailer that was placed in front of the film The Descent was bootlegged and published online on the day of release.
According to producer Daniel J. Heffner, the film was sent to the MPAA ratings board 7 times before obtaining the “R” rating, receiving the “NC-17” rating every previous time.
1000 special posters were made and were sold for $20 each in support of Saw III and the American Red Cross. Tobin Bell, donated 2 Vials of his own blood to be dumped into the red ink vat. All 1000 posters were then printed with the red ink vat and later sold. However, the first print was put up for auction. It was also signed by the entire cast and crew. All proceeds from both sales, went to the American Red Cross.
Actors Tobin Bell and Shawnee Smith spent several weeks before filming getting to know each other personally so the relationship between their characters would appear believable and real.
Prop master Jim Murray coated the pigs used in the judge’s trap with honey and attempted to stick live maggots on them for close-up shots, as requested by director Darren Lynn Bousman
Barry Flatman and Shawnee Smith also shared the screen in the 1986 television movie Easy Prey.
The DVD and Blu Ray case for Saw III lists Jeff’s full name as “Jeff Reinhart.” This name was never mentioned in the film, and was actually created by a fan from the House Of Jigsaw message boards who posted the name online. Director Darren Lynn Bousman later said that Jeff’s full name is really “Jeff Denlon.”
Screenwriter Leigh Whannell was physically sick from watching some of the scenes that were shot.