Greetings my fellow NERDs. How are you this lovely Saturday? I have a treat for you today. Today, I have an interview with a very talented artist who has done a lot of really cool artwork for games such as Magic the Gathering and Star Wars. So sit back, relax, and enjoy my interview with the very talented Terese Nielsen.
1. Who are you and where are you from?
Do you have to start with the hardest question? I’m still trying to figure that out.: ) I’m originally from the Midwest but moved out to Southern California 25 years ago to go to art school. I fell in love with it here and never left.
2. I just love your style! When did you discover your art style and do you have a name for it?
It seems to me like my style discovered me. An artists “look” emerges after much time has been put in, i.e. hundreds of drawings and paintings. It stems from ones visual preferences as well as their knowledge and proficiency (or lack thereof) using certain mediums. I tend to toss several mediums into the mix because each has it’s strong points or ways in which it makes your life easier. So rather than forcing acrylic to effortlessly blend like oil, I simply use oil and rather than wish oil could be applied in transparent washes that dry quickly I use acrylic. If I want a textural linear quality somewhere in the piece I use colored pencils.
3. I am absolutely in love with your Star Wars art that you did for the miniatures. One of my favorites was the Boba Fett box art, do you have a favorite?
Thank you. I think my favorite was Luke in the black leather battle armor. I enjoyed depicting him in a costume that looked a bit more badass than his normal get-up. A close second was Han Solo, whom I’ve always thought had the most charisma out of the original group.
4. I also know you did artwork for a popular card game and I was just curious at how you got involved with Magic the Gathering? I mean did they call you or did you inquire with them?
I’d been illustrating in the comic book industry for a few years which included superhero trading cards. The art director at Wizards of the Coast saw my work there, and contacted me to see if I’d be interested in creating art for them.
5. Where can my readers see your art?
I’ve got all of the normal places.
You can follow me on Facebook. www.facebook.com/TheArtOfTereseNielsen I post all my latest news and info there, as well as other art related things: processes, articles, inspiration.
I also have a website www.TNielsen.com
and a blog: teresenielsen.typepad.com
6. Do you have anything you would like to promote right now?
Anyone that follows Magic will be seeing more of me in the upcoming sets. I’m also just now starting some personal paintings for a solo gallery show in 2014. Over the last 20+ years of illustrating I’ve rarely partitioned time out to paint my own ideas, so this is very new and exciting for me.
7. What is your favorite project that you have done?
I’d have to say Angel Quest. It was a CCG game promoting random acts of kindness that I art directed as well as illustrated some of the cards for. I loved the idea and concept behind it… not to mention the opportunity to paint more angels always appeals to me.
8. What are your plans for the future?
I’m brewing seriously over an art book. It’s the request I get asked ALL the time. I’ve also been asked to teach, so it’s likely I’ll commit to more of that next year as well as prepare for the gallery show and squeeze in a bit of my regular illustration work. Oh, and gardening. There must always be time to play in the dirt.