Greetings cosplay lovers,
How is your day going? Today I have a great cosplay interview for you with the talented Ai-Rika. The first time I saw her cosplay I knew I had to interview her for all our cosplayers and nerds that follow us. I have actually had this interview for a few weeks now, but I was holding on to it for a special occasion. As you know, yesterday I said that this was a week of surprises and full of special things. Well, this interview is one of those special things. So, sit back and relax while you read this interview with the very beautiful as well as talented, Ai-Rika.
1. Who are you and where are you from?
I’m Ai-rika and I’m from Seattle, Washington.
2. How did you discover cosplay?
I first discovered cosplay when I joined my school’s anime club and a group of friends asked me to be one of the characters. Little did I know that would start my hobby for life ha ha.
3. I really love your Ryuko Matoi cosplay. What made you come up with that idea?
Thank you!! (Don’t lose your way! :D) I decided I wanted to work on this version of her as soon as she transformed in the show and one of my friends told me about this new way to make armor look awesome so I jumped on trying that out immediately. (This method is using stretch vinyl, EVA foam and contact cement glue) I’m super happy with how its turned out!
4. What other genres do you cosplay?
I cosplay from everything from anime, video games, comics, and even videographers/photographers themselves ha ha (KBL Noodles was one).
5. Do you have a favorite genre?
I usually like to cosplay from anime because I find most characters I love come from it. Me wanting to be them for a day is one of my main motivations to make any cosplay.
6. What is your favorite way to show off a new cosplay?
My favorite way is through videography! I think its amazing when the costume is finally shown in action! I’ve had a few videos featuring my cosplays for a few seconds and super thankful the guys took the time to film me.
7. What are your other hobbies besides cosplay?
I like to lurk on the internet a lot ha ha, other hobbies include playing video games and hitting the gym (more of life style though).
8. What are your plans for the future?
COSPLAYING FOREVER AND EVER. Ha ha. I would really love to visit an east coast convention actually and visit Japan! I also help out with Cospix.net and I’m hoping more cosplayers check it out!
9. Where can my readers see more examples of your work?
Aside from the Facebook page, you can find more of my work on cospix.net/AiRika/ or check out my deviant art under Ai-rika (I’m working on catching up with photos of new costumes I have yet to upload too.)
10. If you had to pick one cosplay, which one is your favorite?
I’m going to have to say Ryuko Matoi (Kamui) at the moment as its of my newer and I’m still in the state of obsessing about Kill la Kill.