It may be THORSday, but today is also the day I add another cosplay interview to the site. I know I usually post new cosplay interviews on Monday’s but my schedule was hectic so I figured today would be a good day. The cosplayer that is today’s focus. is a very talented cosplayer and I am sure you have seen her work somewhere. Some of you Star Wars fans may recognize her Slave Leia cosplay, where as some of you Avengers fans may have seen her as the Black Widow and just didn’t realize who it was. Well, her name is Alexandria the Red and she is as talented as she is beautiful. So enough from em, let’s here from Alexandria the Red.
1. Who are you and where are you from?
My name is Alex and I am from Orange County California, the greatest place in the world!
2. How did you discover cosplay?
In 2011, I went to the Harry Potter premiere as Bellatrix Lestrange. A few other cosplayers asked me if I went to conventions. I was dumbstruck. I could not believe that there was a place where geeks could be themselves without fear of ridicule. I did a bit of research and attended Wondercon 2012 as Black Widow and had a marvelous time!
3. You have so many great cosplays, but I have to say my favorites are Mary Jane and Slave Leia. Which cosplay is your favorite?
My favorite cosplay of mine is one I completed pretty recently, Queen Elsa. I put over 250 hours of work into that cosplay and I think that it paid off!
4. What comic characters have you cosplayed besides Mary Jane?
I’ve cosplayed as Black Widow and Poison Ivy. I really need to add more comic characters to my lineup!
5. What other genres do you cosplay?
I tend to gravitate towards movie cosplays. I just enjoy the realism. But I would love to branch out into more anime and video game cosplays.
6. What is your favorite way to show off a new cosplay?
By wearing it to a convention! It’s so fun to see everyone’s reaction the first time you debut a new costume! Sometimes friends don’t even recognize me.
7. Do you do other modeling besides cosplay?
I do a smattering of non cosplay modeling but its mostly been for my personal portfolio and to help photography friends practice their skills. But I have done 2 runway events that showcased geeky clothing.
8. What are your plans for the future?
I just plan to keep having fun cosplaying and seeing where it takes me!
9. Where can my readers see more examples of your work?
I am active on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Vine. I’m Alexandria the Red on all of them!
10. If you could work with any cosplayer or photographer in a shoot, who would it be and why?
I would absolutely love to work with Kassandra Leigh. She is an incredible photographer and model. I feel like I could learn a lot from her in terms of body awareness while taking photos.