Today I have a wonderful surprise for you. I have before you, one of my favorite interviews that I have done. This interview has been in the works for months and I am proud to say that the interview is finished. I was fortunate enough to land an interview with Sarah Miller, a very talented artist as well as tattooist. It is her ability to tattoo masterpieces that landed her on Season 2 of the show Ink Master When I saw her skills on Ink Master, especially after I saw her Star Wars tattoo, I knew I wanted to know more about Sarah and share what I found out with our loyal NERDbase. Now I have that opportunity, so ladies and gentlemen, I proudly present to you, my interview with the one and only, Sarah Miller.
SWN: Who are you and where are you from?
SM: My name is Sarah Miller and I’m from Pittsburgh, PA. I grew up in upstate New York and moved to PA for college when I was 19.
SWN: How did you discover your artistic talents?
SM: I’ve always drawn pictures ever since I was old enough to hold a pencil. I started drawing when I was 2-3 years old and haven’t stopped since!
SWN: Most of my readers will probably know you from your time on Ink Master, Season 2. What was that experience like?
SM: It was very intense. There were a few times where I was kept awake for days at a time and the only thing that kept me going was red bull and Dunkin Donuts! It was a learning experience, and I think it helped me further develop my skills as a tattoo artist.
SWN: Staying on the Ink Master theme, I thought your Star Wars tattoo was sick. How many Star Wars tattoos have you done in your career?
SM: I’ve lost count; it’s been a lot. I love doing pop culture tattoos, especially things that have had meaning for me. Star Wars is one of my biggest influences.
SWN: Now changing the subject to Star Wars, which film is your favorite? Do you prefer the original trilogy or the prequels?
SM: Original trilogy for sure. The Empire Strikes back is my favorite. I like the original story arc and the acting way better. In the new trilogy it seems more about the CGI and action sequences instead of developing the story, which I’m not a big fan of.
SWN: By looking at your art, I can also tell you are into comics. Do you still read them and if so, what titles?
SM: Yes, I’m very into comic books. I’m actually working on my own, due out later this year! It’s titled, “The Valkyrie’s Wode.” I’m going to be at New York Comic Con in October for the grand premiere. When I’m not working on any projects, yes I still like to read comic books. My favorites are Witchblade, Amazing Spider-Man, and The Walking Dead.
SWN: When you are not expressing your artistic talents through tattooing, what is your next favorite form of artful expression?
SM: Painting.
SWN: What are your plans for the future?
SM: Right now I’m really just focusing on launching my comic book and keeping up with Ink Master appearances and the tattoo convention circuit.
SWN: Where can my readers see more examples of your work?
SM: On my personal Facebook page www.facebook.com/sarahmillertattoos
SWN: I also know that you have cosplayed Xena and Wonder Woman in the past. What draws you to the world of cosplay?
SM: I like dressing up as my favorite characters because I get to pretend that I’m that character for a little while, which is a lot of fun!
SWN: What other characters have you cosplayed? Do you have a new cosplay in mind?
SM: I’ve cosplayed as Naga from Slayers and Dr. Girlfriend from The Venture Brothers. I don’t have a new cosplay in mind right now, but keep checking my Facebook page. Something cool is in the works!
SWN: I also understand that you have a tattoo shop called Wyld Chyld Tattoo in Pittsburgh, PA. How many tattoos can you get done usually in a week with your hectic schedule?
SM: Yes, I’m the owner of Wyld Chyld Tattoo and I have a great team of really talented artists working for me. When I tattoo, I usually focus on just one a day. I like to take my time with every piece to make sure it is the best work I can possibly do.
SWN: The next time I am in Pittsburgh visiting family, I am coming down to Wyld Chyld and getting some ink done from who I consider is a true Ink Master. Sound like a plan?
SM: If you’re down for something cool and nerdy (or a Xena portrait) I could see about getting you in!
SWN: Hell yeah I’m in! I hope you had as much fun reading the interview as I did talking with Sarah. Be sure to check out her Facebook page as well as picking up her comic, “The Valkyrie’s Wode” when it is available. Of course you know I will have to get my issue so that I can do a review. Until next time, unleash your inner NERD!