It is time for another pulse pounding interview from the world of Cosplay. Today I have a special treat for you. The cosplayer I am presenting to you today has to be one of the best at cosplaying Tank Girl. It was one of her Tank Girl photos that intrigued me to contact her for an interview and now here we are. So, Nerds and Nerdettes, give it up for my interview with the absolutely beautiful and talented Axe Massacre Cosplay.
1. Who are you and where are you from?
I’m Aislynn and I’m from Adelaide, South Australia
2. How did you discover cosplay?
Back in 2011 my friends told me about this convention called AVCon, it sparked an interest in me so I looked into it and discovered that the people who go tend to do this wicked thing called Cosplay so I thought I’d join in and that was where my great love for it sparked.
3. I really love your Tank Girl cosplay. How did that idea come to mind?
I was out on my usual Saturday night drunken rampage through the city when an unusual amount of people came up to me and started yelling in disbelief at how much I looked like Tank Girl, it was then that I decided that it would only be appropriate for me to Cosplay her.
4. What other characters have you cosplayed?
There was the very first Cosplay I did back in 2011 which was of Yuki from Vampire Knight, the next year I was BabyDoll from Suckerpunch then last year I Cosplayed Leeloo Dallas from The Fifth Element and then Tank Girl!
5. Do you have a favorite genre to cosplay?
At the moment I’m definitely into Cosplaying pop culture characters and definitely anything Milla Jovovich!
6. What is your favorite way to debut a new cosplay?
I definitely love to post teaser type pictures of my newest Cosplay on my page and then debut the entire costume at a convention.
7. Do you do other modeling besides cosplay?
I am currently developing my modelling career, I’m planning to hopefully work for Suicide Girls and/or Zivity so fingers crossed!
8. What are your plans for the future?
At the moment I’m really focused on furthering my modelling career and also my Cosplaying, I would love to have a career in Cosplay like Eve Beauregard!
9. Where can my readers see more examples of your work?
I have a Facebook page at facebook.com/axemassacrecosplay where I’m very interactive about my Cosplaying and my nerdy life. I also have a new deviantART account at axemassacre.deviantart.com/
10. If you had to pick one cosplay, which one is your favorite?
That’s a tough one! I love my Tank Girl Cosplay dearly but I’m so excited to be Cosplaying Ultraviolet and I think that’s going to be my absolute favorite for a while.