Nerds and Nerdettes of all ages, it’s time for a new interview with another talented cosplayer. My past few interviews have been follow-ups so it’s about time I shared some new blood don’t ya think? Today’s interview is with the one and only Bindi Smalls. She is a very talented cosplayer, so after reading this interview, make sure to go to her FB page and give her a like or two. So sit back and relax with your favorite beverage while you read this wonderful interview with this wonderful (and Beautiful) cosplayer.
1. Who are you and where are you from?
I’m Bindi Smalls, and I’m from Virginia, USA.
2. How did you discover cosplay?
I discovered cosplay when I was a freshman in college. I had seen pictures and heard stories of anime, comic, and sci-fi conventions before but I had never been able to attend until college. After I attended that first convention, I was obsessed with the idea of cosplay. I created a Chun Li cosplay and wore it the next year.
3. I really love your Drow Ranger cosplay. What made you come up with that idea?
My Drow Ranger cosplay is completely inspired by DotA 2. I really love the heros in that game, and Drow Ranger was the first hero I played. She’s still my favorite to this day, even though I don’t play as much as I used to. I love her icy personality, and no-fuss abilities.
4. What other genres do you cosplay?
I cosplay mostly from video games, but I also have cosplays from animated series and I plan to do more comic book characters in the future.
5. Do you have a favorite genre?
My favorite genre is video game cosplay. Whenever I’m not working at my full-time job, and not working on a cosplay, I’m gaming until my hands bleed. Being able to craft the characters outfits and act as the character in photos feels as if I’m completing another level or part of the game, and gives me the same sort of gratification as completing a challenging quest.
6. What is your favorite way to show off a new cosplay?
My favorite way to show off a new cosplay is to take pictures… a lot of them! I’ll take pictures during the creation process, pictures of makeup tests, pictures of the first time I wear it, and photoshoots at conventions. Personally, I feel most like the character during a photo-shoot– it’s really challenging to keep drawing inspiration in your mind to project an image of what you’d like to emulate, but when you get that perfect shot– it’s amazing.
7. Do you do other modeling besides cosplay?
No, I’ve never modeled before. But I wish I had some sort of training. To me, modeling for a photo is one of the hardest parts of cosplay– I just have no experience.
8. What are your plans for the future?
My plans for the future are to make bigger & better cosplays. I also want to utilize my 3D printer more– I am starting to make helmets and weapons with it, and the results are impressive.
9. Where can my readers see more examples of your work?
You can see more examples of my work at bindismalls.com, and facebook.com/bindicosplay.
10. If you had to pick one cosplay, which one is your favorite?
My favorite cosplay that I’ve made so far would have to be Poison Ivy. It’s comfortable to wear and represents how far I’ve come with sewing. I’m very new to sewing and know that I have a lot to learn, but this cosplay felt like an achievement. And I feel like a queen when I’m wearing it!