Ladies and Gentlemen, NERDs of all ages,
I am very excited about today’s cosplay interview. I have been a fan of this cosplayer since I first saw her work. I am sure you have seen her photos somewhere before because she is very talented and loved by many. The cosplayer I am referring to is the absolutely beautiful and talented Callie Cosplay. So, without further ado, here is my interview with the talented Callie Cosplay.
1. Who are you and where are you from?
I’m Callie Cosplay and I am from central Florida.
2. How did you discover cosplay?
I discovered cosplay when I was given a Black Widow costume for The Avengers Release. I went with other fellow cosplayers as “The Avengers” to an all day Marvel Movie Marathon at Downtown Disney. It was a blast, and dressing up as this character was one of the best feelings I ever had. Not only that, but it brought smiles to other peoples’ faces! I remember when I first looked in the mirror when I tried on the costume and I thought…”oh my gosh, that’s BLACK WIDOW!” It was a great feeling, and one I still get every time I suit up. From there, I searched the web and saw that there was a whole cosplay community out there. I remember sitting in the computer lab in my school dreaming that one day, I could be as good as the cosplayers I saw online. I was inspired, and fell in love with cosplay.
3. I really love your Mystique/Black Widow cosplay. How did you come up with that idea?
Thank you! Well, for Black Widow there was The Avengers movie release two years ago, of course. I have done the comic book version of her, which has always been one of my favorite Marvel classics. I also love Mystique and as we all know, her whole thing is morphing into someone else. That’s kind of what cosplayers do, so I figured I’d pay tribute to one of the greatest cosplayers herself.
4. What other comic characters have you cosplayed?
Several from DC such as Wonder Woman, Zatanna, Black Canary, Poison Ivy, and Supergirl. Most of my cosplays have been Marvel characters including but not limited to Black Cat, Black Widow, Gamora, Madame Hydra, Mary Jane, Ms. Marvel, Mystique, Red She Hulk, Emma Frost, She Hulk, Scarlet Witch, and Rogue. I have also cosplayed as the Baroness and Silk Spectre.
5. Do you cosplay other genres?
Oh yes! I absolutely love Princess and Storybook cosplays. I’ve recently been getting into Holiday and movie and TV cosplays as well. The horror and science fiction genre are my favorites.
6. What is your favorite way to show off a new look?
A killer picture.
7. Do you have any advice for anyone just getting into the world of cosplay?
Oh, so much. I could ramble on about the skills one needs to learn, the hours and time put into truly dedicating yourself to your craft, etc…But I will leave it at this: well roundness is key. And never, ever forget: you’re in this to have fun. So have fun and love what you do!
8. What are your plans for the future?
I plan to continue with my cosplay growth and expound upon my skill sets. I do plan on further branding “Callie Cosplay.”
9. Where can my readers see more examples of your work?
My website: www.calliecosplay.com or Facebook: www.facebook.com/leahcalliecosplay
10. If you had to pick one cosplay, which one is your favorite?
I LOVE cosplaying as Wonder Woman. She is my favorite character of ALL time, and everything she stands for: truth, power, love, justice, is so real to me in my heart. I truly love Diana Prince and I wish I WAS her. But nevertheless, she is and always will be my favorite character to suit up as!
Remember guys and gals, after reading this interview go to her page and check out all her wonderful cosplays. Right now, Callie is having a print sale to finance some upcoming cons so go show her some love and let her know that Somewhatnerdy sent ya.