It is day 2 of our after 2014 SDCC celebration. I told you I had some surprises in store and well, this is a big one. I was fortunate enough to get an interview with Carl Martin. For those of you who watch the show Heroes of Cosplay on the SyFy channel, you know him as one of the cosplayers from Season 2, that was featured weekly along with other greats such as Ya Ya Han and Riddle. I was really impressed with his Haunt costume that he debuted in our hometown of New Orleans, LA and I knew I had to interview him at once. So, without any further delay, here is my interview with the very talented Carl Martin.
1. Who are you and where are you from?
CM: I’m Carl Martin from Austin Texas.
2. How did you discover cosplay?
CM: I started cosplaying after my sister went to several cons. Then I went and made friends who promptly started cosplaying for competition and after winning several times it just became natural.
3. Your version of Haunt from Image comics was spot on. How did your concept originally begin for this character?
CM: It began with figuring out what to use for the character, because I was so dead set on using the highest grade materials I chose a material called Dragonskin 10 silicon. Then I had to figure out exactly what to sculpt and what to leave for the lycra body suit. After about a week of sculpting, I cast the feet, head, hands, arms and torso. The torso mold alone was over 100 pounds. Then I cracked them open and cleaned them out, dying and tinting the silicon by hand then brushing it layer by layer into the molds and then doing one large slush cast. After that I brushed on silicon onto the body suit, making sure it was nice and drippy, giving that venom like runny appearance and attaching each piece separately.
4.What other genres have you cosplayed?
CM: I cosplay from Anime, Comics, Videogames, Movies, Television, pretty much anything I like. I don’t set myself to one specific genre.
5. How do you like to show off a new look?
CM: If it’s a project I’ve been working on for months I like to enter it into contests and then just walk around for a day or two in it.
6. Many of us recognize you from the show Heroes of Cosplay. How were you approached to be on the show?
CM: I actually applied to be on the show. I sent in an application with all my work and they interviewed me and liked me.
7.What was it like to be followed 24/7 as you were creating and showing off new cosplays?
CM: Incredibly weird. I’m always very deep into my work, so having people talk to me and give me direction sometimes really threw me off. I’ll be working on cosplay for 12 hours a day so it was definitely something I had to get used to.
8.What advice do you have for new cosplayers?
CM: Cosplay what you want, when you want, how you want. Don’t let others get you down. It doesn’t matter your size, your gender, your skin color, cosplay anything.
9. Where can my readers see more examples of your work?
CM: Everyone can see our work at Facebook.com/ShinkaStudios
10. What is your favorite cosplay that you have done?
CM: It would have to be my Metal Gear Raiden or Haunt. I love them both so much.
11. Now as you know, after the final episode of Heroes of Cosplay, Season 2 aired, there were some “haters” spreading negativity about there experience with the show and painted a target on the cosplayers. I actually know several of the cosplayers from past interviews or chance meetings, so I know that a lot of what was said could have been exaggerated or misunderstood. So my final question for you is what are your thoughts on the people starting negative rumors about the cast of Heroes of Cosplay and the whole subject of cheating?
CM: I’ll try to answer this the best I can. I can tell you right now that none of the cosplayers cheated. The show isn’t perfect, and the show and SyFy don’t understand many times how cons work, so sometimes people are inconvenienced and in a couple stories I’ve heard, even hurt. They’re trying to make a show and we’re just the ones in front of the camera. We don’t make the decisions. I’m incredibly sorry about all of this, we had no idea about many of these things going on. We’re just regular cosplayers. None of us want to hurt anyone or cause a scene or any drama. I’m not a professional and I have a lot to learn. We’re all part of the community and I stand for truth, honesty, and making it a better place for all. I’m incredibly sorry anything like that happened. No drama, no hate, only love and acceptance for everyone.
Truly great words from a great cosplayer! Do yourself a favor and check out his Facebook page and support him when Season 3 is televised.
A person has a legitimately negative experience at a convention because of the show, they state it and they get labelled a “hater” and a “liar” (Guess what? I know a lot of people who told their stories, too, and they’re NOT lying! Imagine that!).
And while they might not say it is cheating, fully accepting and bragging over a win when you KNOW the competition was skewed in your favor (90% of the skits weren’t allowed to perform aside from the cast, award was still given. A “host” actively takes part in the judging and a surprise award is given to the people said host was involved with prior to the contest) is just as good as cheating, if not worse.
You ought to be ashamed.
I see your point and I am happy that you shared your feelings. All I was trying to do was get the point of view of one of the cast members of the show. If my wording of the question or the fact that I brought the subject up somehow offended you or someone you are close to, I apologize from the bottom of my heart. I have friends as well as family members you attend these cons and enter in the contests to showcase their talents as well as the fact that I am a huge supporter of cosplay should let you know I meant no harm.