The interview I have for you today is at the very top of my list of favorite interviews that I have done. It was an honor to be able to sit down and talk to Elvira (via telephone) and hear her story. Before the interview started, Elvira stated that she liked our site and loved what we were doing, That was an honor in itself, but to have the interview was a dream come true. So, without further delay, boys and girls, creatures of the night and things that go bump in the night, here is my interview with the lovely and amazing Elvira, Mistress of the Dark.
SWN: I have been a fan of yours for quite some time now and I always wondered, just how did the Elvira persona come to life?
Elvira: I was a member of an improvisational troupe known as The Groundlings. It was with this troupe that I created a character that was a type of Valley Girl. I landed the part but I needed to make a spooky looking outfit, and that is basically when the beginnings of Elvira was born. I have been doing Elvira for 35 years now.
SWN: That is impressive. What has the Mistress of the Dark been up to recently?
Elvira: I have been very busy as of late. I started doing shows at Knott’s Scary Farm back in September. The show is called Elvira’s Big Top and I do two shows a night. I also just released and album called, “2 Big Pumpkins” from Jack White’s record label, Third Man Records. I am also going to be on Hulu from October 19th to the 31st hosting Horror movies. It’s called 13 Nights of Elvira.
[youtube www.youtube.com/watch?v=vS7c41AbjQI%5D
SWN: Wow, that is a busy schedule. I recently saw you on the show Epic Ink getting your first tattoo. I am actually talking with Chris51 for an interview as well. How did you like that experience?
Elvira: Tell Chris I said hi when you talk to him. It was a fantastic experience! I actually did the show because of a fan who was there to get an Elvira tattoo. Well, they kept offering me booze and it was a spur of the moment type thing. No one knew I was going to get it done, but I did get the Mistress of the Dark tattoo from the film. The next morning I was like WTH, but I had a good time and the experience itself was fantastic.
SWN: I have interviewed countless cosplayers who have an Elvira cosplay in their portfolio of cosplays. How do you feel knowing that there are so many people who cosplay or dress up as you?
Elvira: I love it! I have seen from dogs to newborns to 280 lb truckers dressed up like me and I love every bit of it. I am flattered that so many people dress up like me and it makes me feel special because so many people want to show their love for me and my character.
SWN: Some of our followers are huge Horror fans. What is your favorite Horror film of all time and why?
Elvira: I would say “House on Haunted Hill” starring Vincent Price. It was the first Horror movie I have ever seen and I just became obsessed with it. I would see all of the films that starred Vincent Price. Here I was in 2nd and 3rd grade going to these Horror films with my cousin because I was absolutely obsessed with the genre.
SWN: I personally agree with you. The original “House on Haunted Hill” is by far one of the greats and I absolutely love Vincent Price. While we are on the subject of Horror, the following questions come from our resident Horror expert Raz. He would like to know what do you think of the modern Horror genre.
Elvira: Mmmmmm, in my opinion, too much high tech and too many special effects, No imagination is really needed. The ideal Horror movie will make you use your imagination to scare you. Take “Blair Witch” for example, it is not one of my favorite films but it sticks to what makes Horror films great, imagination. You are more scared of what is not seen than what is shown. True Horror needs to let you use your imagination. I am not saying don’t use special effects, but make it minimal so that our imaginations can run wild.
SWN: Raz would also like to know if you feel that there’s a future for Horror hosts with people’s short attention span’s in today’s society?
Elvira: I think there is. I mean, that’s why I pop in on my show and make comments and things of that nature. You just have to make the modifications needed to keep up.
SWN: What projects can we expect from you in the future? You have already told us about the Knott’s Farm and 13 Nights, but what is next?
Elvira: Well, after I catch my breath a little, I plan on pitching an idea for an animated feature or TV show. It is something I have always wanted to do so I plan on pitching and selling the idea.
SWN: Well, let us know what we can do to help you out. We will gladly promote it and anything else that you would like in the near future.
Elvira: Thank you very much! I will let you know.
SWN: Okay last question, what advice do you have for aspiring actors/actresses in the world of horror?
Elvira: Hmm, in the world of anything acting, just hang in there. When you just about have had it, just hang in there. I didn’t get my break until I was 30. I could have given up, but I hing in there.
SWN: That is some great advice! I am sure that I speak for everyone here at SWN when I say I couldn’t imagine the world without Elvira. Thank you again so much for taking the time for this interview.
Elvira: Your welcome and thank you.
I want to thank Elvira once again for doing this interview. It was truly an honor to talk with her and interviewing her for you, our devoted readers.
Make sure to like her official Facebook page and check her out on Hulu. Also, try to see her performance at Knott’s Scary Farm while you can.