What a weekend it has been! First of all, we had a great explosion of cool stuff happen at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con, but we also have reached a milestone at Somewhatnerdy. We are now officially over 10,000 likes. We are so thankful to the NERDs that have shared us and who continue to share us that we wanted to make that SDCC feeling last a little longer. So, keep checking back daily to see what kind of goodies we have in store for you. With that being said, you cannot have a comic-con without cosplay so I have a wonderful surprise for you.
Today, I am sharing an interview I did with a cosplayer known as Harley’s Love Shack. I first caught sight of her cosplay through a mutual friend and instantly fell in love with her style. All cosplayers are creative, but this young lady brings her creativity to life every time. She doesn’t just take photos, each and every one has a story and uses the environment to set the mood. I am impressed with how creative she is on and off the camera. When you check out her Facebook page, check out her original artwork photos as well. She has talent and I am glad she is sharing that talent with the public. SO, without further rambling, here is my interview with the amazingly talented, Harley’s Love Shack.
1.Who are you and where are you from?
I normally go by the nickname Harley because for the longest that was the only cosplay I was proud of and she is my favorite character. I’m from the Florida area.
2.How did you discover cosplay?
In middle school, I was part of the goth kids and they spoke about anime and such. I was more of a comic book kid but they spoke about conventions and costumes. I had no idea that conventions were a real thing to go to.
3.I absolutely love your Harley,how did that idea come to mind?
Thank you! I loved the character from the cartoon when I was younger and when I was getting into cosplay the Dark Knight movie came out and I had to make the costume. It was tough because I never really made anything and she was my second costume I had ever made and a body suit for that matter.
4.What genres do you cosplay? Do you have a favorite genres?
I like comics and video games the most but like cosplaying from almost anything.
5.What other hobbies do you have besides cosplay?
I painting/draw and entertain at children’s birthday parties.
6.Do you prefer photo shoots or going to con to show off your new cosplay?
I like doing both I don’t have much of a preference.
7.Do you do other modeling besides cosplay?
Yes,I’ve done some pinup/rockabilly stuff for the moment and plan on doing other types of modeling.
8.What are your plans for the future?
I want to start doing clothing and cosplay products.
9.Where can my readers see more examples of you work?
At the moment all I have is a Facebook page so, www.facebook.com/HarleysLoveShack
10.If you had to pick one cosplay,which one is your favorite?
Harley Quinn…….lol I’m a loser.
I assure you, she is no loser. Do yourself a favor and go to her Facebook page and check out the many talents of the one and only, Harley’s Love Shack.