Today is my 98th cosplay interview and I am honored that you, my fellow NERDs, really enjoy them. Today’s focus is on a cosplayer all the way from Spain. I first saw her Dark Phoenix on the world wide web a few months ago and I knew then that I had to interview her. Once I saw her other cosplays, I realized that I was right and that you would enjoy her work. So what you need to do, is after reading this interview, you need to go to her FB page and check out her countless, talented cosplays. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you my interview with Hikari Kat Cosplay.
1. Who are you and where are you from?
Hi! I’m Alba. I’m nearly 26 and I live in a little town near Barcelona, in Spain. I’m an illustrator-in-training trying to do my best for enjoy my work and my hobbies.
2. How did you discover cosplay?
Well, I liked to dress up since I was a child but I didn’t knew what cosplay was until I was fourteen or fifteen, when I started to go to conventions. I made my first costume with sixteen years but didn’t work very well… In 2005 and 2006 I made my first costume taking more seriously until now =P
3. Your Dark Phoenix cosplay is absolutely amazing!. What made you come up with that idea?
I like almost all Jean Grey’s designs I’ve seen until now but I loved the Phoenix/Dark Phoenix designs since I saw it the first time. I didn’t read anything about X-men but I knew a little about the story. My sister gave me the “Dark phoenix saga” for Christmas years ago. I didn’t want to cosplay her without reading her story first and well, that happened last year =) I read more Marvel/DC/etc until now =)
4. What other comic characters have you cosplayed?
Only Phoenix, if you are talking about American-comic. I cosplayed many manga-characters the firsts years and I have many great memories of it =)
5. What other genres do you cosplay?
As I said before, I cosplayed many manganime characters the first years but now I prefer videogames.
6. Do you go to conventions to show off your cosplay or do you do photo shoots only?
I go to the convention for see people who I don’t normally see. Cosplay is just the perfect excuse for it =) I like to make shoots too, of course! But I can make them whenever I want without a convention for it ;)
7. Do you do other modeling besides cosplay?
Well, I modeling but I’M NOT a model. My boyfriend (Hidrico) is a photographer and retoucher and I have modeled for him many times =) Only for that reason.
8. What are your plans for the future?
Well, first, I want to finish my illustration final project and graduate. After… Who knows? I have many projects of cosplay but I’m noooot in a hurry.
9. Where can my readers see more examples of your work?
You can see my work on my Facebook page.
10. If you had to pick one cosplay, which one is your favorite?
It’s difficult to choose one… I don’t know. My costumes are more simple recently. I didn’t make any armor costume, for example, or a… “Victorian” dress. Well, Yuuko (xxxHolic) is a Victorian dress, but I would like to fix her. Every costume has a part of me because I made every costume with all my effort and illusion