I decided to take advantage of my snow day to catch up on my cosplay interviews. And since it is cold outside, I figured there can be no better cosplayer interview to post than that of the talented and beautiful Icy. Not only is Icy a talented cosplayer, she is a talented gamer as well. That’s enough from me, let’s here what she has to say.
1. Who are you and where are you from?
I go by Icy and I’m from Arizona. The “icy princess” originated from a gamer tag I’ve had for years.
2. How did you discover cosplay?
I started making costumes when the first Harry Potter books came out. I loved sewing and it gave me a creative outlet to combine two of the things I loved to do. I went to every midnight book and movie launch dressed up. This led to making costumes for other movie and book launches which I then discovered conventions and I’ve been letting the creative energy flow ever since.
3. I really love your Baroness cosplay. How did you come up with that idea?
Baroness is one of my favorite villains in the comic book world. My original Baroness costume was a mixture of the movie version and the comic book. I love the sleek leather and corset design of the movie, but I felt that the bright red cobra symbol is what makes Baroness part of Cobra.
4. What comic characters have you cosplayed?
Baroness, Kitty Pryde, Scarlet Witch, Batgirl(Red Son version), General Jinjur (Legend of Oz wicked west), and Terra (from Power girl) are my current “comic” line up, but I have many others lined up for 2014 including Batgirl and Harley Quinn
5. Do you cosplay other genres?
I do! I like to do all sorts of genre’s- Anime, books, movies, my own designs, and Disney.
6. What is your favorite way to show off a new look?
My favorite way to show off a new look is either do a photo shoot with it, or debut at a convention.
7. Do you have any advice for anyone just getting into the world of cosplay?
Keep your chin up and have fun. Cosplay literally means Costume Play and play is having fun so if you’re not having fun, change that!As far as getting in and costuming, it’s an art and with art you’re always learning. I’ve been sewing for over 13 years and I still learn new techniques or materials. Don’t ever be afraid to ask for help! There are tons of tutorials and help threads out there. Most of the cosplay community love to help and fuel uprising people who have the heart and determination to expand their skills. If something is beyond your currant skill it is okay to buy parts pieces or your whole costume- Just give credit where credit is due because making a costume is a whole lot of work.
8. What are your plans for the future?
Currently I have a list of local conventions I plan to attend. I have a lot of costume ideas planned out or half finished such as Harley Quinn and Batgirl.
9. Where can my readers see more examples of your work?
To see what I do they can follow me on Facebook, DA, instagram, or tumblr
instagram- handvdesigns
10. If you had to pick one cosplay, which one is your favorite?
If I had to pick my favorite I’d go with Baroness. I love all my other costumes and the corsets and ruffled skirts and fun colors and creativity but I feel closest to Baroness. I feel like she could be my evil twin.