Greetings on this MARVELous Monday! Today I have another great cosplay interview with a very talented individual. Her name is Vert Vixen and her Scarlet Witch cosplay is absolutely MARVELous! Words cannot express how talented she is. She is truly a cosplay legend in the making. So, without further hesitation, I present to you, my interview with the talented and lovely Vert Vixen.
1. Who are you and where are you from?
My name is Alicia, but online I go as VertVixen :). I am originally from Orange County, California.
2. How did you discover cosplay?
This is actually a hard question to answer. I had a girlfriend in highschool that made costumes, but never knew it as cosplay, just thought it was the coolest thing ever. I then was fortunate enough to get a ticket to Blizzcon, and I decided to dress up as a warlock succubus. When I was there I was just amazed by all of the costumes and the work that people put into them. I was hooked at that point.
3. I really love your Scarlet Witch cosplay. What made you choose her?
Well thank you so much! :D I chose her for several reasons actually. First off, I love her, she has been through so much and is one of the strongest female heroines. I love the fact that she has dabbled on both sides of the line, but in the end she always goes for what she knows is right. She will always be an Avenger. I also chose her because I wanted a costume challenge. Her costume has never been well, updated to the extent she deserved in my opinion. I saw her as a way to show the world that I not only can make a costume, but that I can design one as well.
4. Have you cosplayed other comic characters?
I have! I actually recently just finished Black Cat :)
5. What other genres do you cosplay?
I have done video games as well. I will also be doing some film costumes in the future :). I honestly just choose characters that I love, the genre doesn’t necessarily matter to me.
6. How do you show off your new cosplays?
Well I always like wearing them to conventions, I think that is one of the best ways to show off a new costume. I also like to make sure I post it on as many social media sites as I can, including Deviant Art. In the end, my cosplay is also my brand, and it is super important for me to market myself as much as I can.
7. Do you do other modeling besides cosplay?
No not really, but I am also not opposed to it. I want to focus on becoming a hosting personality and opening my own prop shop more then modeling though. I want to be known for who I am and what I create :).
8. What are your plans for the future?
Currently I am working on building up my costume portfolio as well as my hosting/ interview reel to post on my website. I really want to get my own business going so I can do this for a living. I want to make costumes and props for a living and I hope to use my cosplay to help get me there.
9. Where can my readers see more examples of your work?
You can find me at:
Instgram: VertVixen
Twitter: @VertVixen
10. If you had to pick one cosplay, which one is your favorite?
Oh man that is so hard, currently I would have to say Scarlet, because she is mine from start to finish. That’s really hard though because I love everything I have made for different reasons, each costume and project has taught me so much. <3