I’ve never been a huge fan of the CW. Most of the shows on there are targeted to young girls who think that a cyber bully is a good premise of a long running series or that young, rich people from Beverly Hills actually have real problems. You know, really terrible stuff. But in the midst of all that dreck there is an actual decent show that warrants some attention, Arrow.
Arrow is the re-imagining of the Green Arrow, a billionaire, playboy, vigilante, DC version of Robin Hood. Armed with a bow, a seemingly endless supply of arrows, marital arts, and mad parkour skills, Oliver Queen (played by Stephen Amell) takes on the villains of Sterling City.
Season one was surprisingly good, considering I wasn’t expecting a whole lot from it since I thought it was just going to be a short lived replacement for Smallville. However, it took some queues from Chris Nolan’s Batman trilogy and was made into a grittier version of an otherwise campy character.
In season one, villains like Dead Shot, Count Vertigo, and of course his arch nemesis and fellow archer, Merlin, wreaking havoc throughout the city and the green hooded hero must stop it, often in the most violent and awesome way possible. Death Stroke’s alter ego, Slade Wilson, also makes several appearances as one of Ollie’s trainers in origin flashbacks throughout the season. The acting leaves a little to be desired, but the story lines are well written and the fight choreography is top notch. Which brings us to season two where the action doesn’t seem to be slowing down any with the addition of veteran martial arts star Michael Jai White (Spawn/Blood and Bone) as the Bronze Tiger and an introduction of the classic character Barry Allen (Flash) into the Arrow universe. Season two looks to promise a bone crunching, face melting array of vigilante justice. Oh! And let’s not forget the beautiful sci-fi idol Summer Glau (Firefly/Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles) was added to the casting bill. With her addition to the already sexy cast of Katie Cassidy, Emily Rickards, and Kelly Hu, season two will be something that may make a few of us fire off a couple arrows prematurely.
I for one, am excited about Arrow season two and would suggest if you haven’t given it a chance yet, you may want to tune in to the CW October 9th 8/7c and get a dose of justice by means of a masked man with a bow and arrow, sans the Merry Men and green tights.