Happy Friday Nerds! I have a wonderful interview with a talented artist for you today. You may have seen some of her work for a cosplay calendar or just on cosplay sites in general. Her name is Ally and she is very talented. I suggest after reading this interview, go to her FB page and show her some love.
1. Who are you and where are you from?
Allyson Averell – New Jersey
2. How did you discover your artistic talents?
I have been drawing ever since I can remember. When I was little I loved to draw animals and Disney characters.
3. What made you get into the world of body painting?
I had been face painting for awhile and wanted to push my skills so I began practicing on myself. You can see them in my “Painted on Myself” album.
4. Do you have a favorite body painted project?
I really am enjoying some of my new Disney pieces I have done, my favorite is still the Ursula I painted on myself, no one believes it is me.
5. I notice you are a very artistic individual. Do you prefer one medium over another?
I love all mediums, my favorite is wood burning. I think it is unique and challenging. Obviously, body painting is fantastic as well. Can’t beat painting on a breathing, living canvas.
7. A lot of your art revolves around the world of comics. Do you read comics yourself?
I do. I am a huge Batman fan, especially the original comics since the beginning. Monthly I currently read Batgirl New 52 and Arkham City (love the video games as well).
8. What are your plans for the future?
Just to continue pushing myself and become better at everything I do. I hope one day I can get published into a magazine or advertisement with my body paintings!
9. Where can my readers see more examples of your work?
www.facebook.com/allysonaverell and www.freewebs.com/allysartwork
10. If you had to pick one project, which one is your favorite?
The large Batman painting I did of some of my favorite villians. I loved it so much, the client who bought it made me print of the painting so I could still hang it on my wall too :)