I have made it no secret that Michael Bay isn’t one of my favorite directors. Seems like a smug asshole … which is fine because I like other smug asshole Hollywood types … but he is a smug asshole that makes terrible movies (other that The Rock and The Island which I think are F-in amazing movies in their own way.) Bring the hate email if you like Bay’s movies, it happens every time we say anything about him so we are use to it but at least include reasons why you like his movies … make sure to ask your parents first. Anyway all that being said what happens to him in the video below sucks but it is more about the way he handles it. He does handle it better than I would have … screaming and crying off the stage like a tiny baby. Its funny and sad all at the same time.


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I’m Snarfkris and I’m the head Nerd here at SWN. I'm also one of the host on the SomewhatNerdy Radio and Nerds of the Squared Circle podcast. On top of that I am also the webmaster, editor, writer, and all around slave to the website. I’m a giant Star Wars and comic Nerd. MTFBWY