The 10 Most Awesome Guns Ever in Video Games
I’ve always been a huge fan of shooters. First person, third person all the way back to the Atari 2600 if the focus of the game is to fire projectiles at enemies I’m going to at least give it a shot. In the early days there was ‘Asteroids’ where we wielded the same weapon the whole game on our little space ship, blasting away at hollow space-rocks and UFOs. Shooters were an instant hit and developers quickly began programming a variety of firearms to keep our trigger fingers engaged. I’ve done some asking around and given way more thought than a 32 man normally would on such subject and as a result I have compiled this list of what I believe to be the ’10 Most Awesome Guns Ever in Video Games’. Of course this is my list and not a definition by any means, please feel free to give us your top ten in the comments below.
10.) Spread Gun, ‘Contra’ series:
I never played a ton of Contra but I spent hours as a child playing the sequel, ‘Super C’, on my NES. This spread-fire weapon was devastating and by far necessary to hold onto in order to beat the game without using continues or the infamous Contra cheat code. Teammates became momentary foes when that silver orb was shot and the winged ‘S’ appeared before you.
9.) EBR Sniper Rifle, ‘Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2’:
Okay I know “We hate CoD it’s the same thing over and over again and again and again and again….and again” and I kind of agree a bit but at a point in time Call of Duty was indeed quite groundbreaking in the shooter genre and loved by many of the same people who renounce it’s name today. Call of Duty: MW2 was my personal favorite and it had one weapon at the end of your progression that was more than a little superior on the battlefield, The EBR “sniper” rifle when outfitted with a mid-range scope or iron sites was absolutely devastating. Accurate enough and fast enough to more than compensate for the drop in damage from the bolt action sniper rifles, the EBR was a serious pain in the ass when a few members of a team used them in tandem. I have seen it turn the tide of more than one team death-match.
8.) Cerebral Bore, ‘Turok’ series:
First appearing in ‘Turok 2: Seeds of Evil’ the Cerebral Bore is considered by many as the most gruesome projectile weapon ever in a video game. A blue, SMG looking weapon it fired a small drilling round that locked onto to an enemy’s “brainwaves” and drilled into their noggin with a most gruesome sound. Of course a gratuitous amount of blood sprayed from the victim’s head and parents probably scratched theirs thinking “why the hell did I get them this game?”
[youtube www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jp3xSsvFNQQ?rel=0&w=660&h=371%5D
7.)Mega Buster, ‘Mega Man’ series:
Since 1987 ‘Mega Man’ has been challenging gamers with some of the most difficult platforming/shooting mixes in all of gaming. Dr. Wiley and his robotic henchmen have concocted the most diabolical of lairs for our little blue friend to navigate. Death after death we trudged through with one goal in mind, a new weapon. The Blue Bomber’s ordinary canon round was efficient enough even when taking down bosses but it was those evil villain’s weaponry that made the game so addictive. Fireballs, bombs, an ice blast and even saw-blades all made their appearance in just the first game and earning them in order was the key to an easier victory. One of the first games I remember not being able to put down because “I just wanna see this next weapon”.
6.) Master Chief’s Pistol, ‘Halo: Combat Evolved’:
While the battle-rifle and sword may be the most iconic weapons from the Halo universe Master Chief’s sidearm in the first installment is as legendary as the game’s hardest difficulty setting. Dropping an Elite in a mere three head-shots and online opponents in the same this more than overpowered handgun had gamers screaming “pistol-whore!” and white knuckling wired controllers worldwide.
5.) Plasma Cutter: ‘Dead Space’ series:
These games give me the creeps and I’ll openly admit that. The noises those freaking things make and the fact that they are spawning from human corpses… well I imagine Raz loves it. The plasma cutter’s origin isn’t even that of a weapon. It is a tool for an engineer on his job but it re-purposes perfectly for de-limbing these nightmarish creatures. A few well placed plasma beams to lop of their legs and careful use of stim-packs will keep Isaac Clark safe for a good majority his ghastly story.
4.) Hydra shotgun, ‘Resident Evil 5’:
Chris Redfield and his “capable” partner, Sheva, pack an incredible arsenal through Res5. The game itself was a step away from the original play-style many of it’s fans had come to love but I personally enjoyed the installment and a large part of that was the addicting and lengthy process of purchasing and upgrading all of the weaponry. From Magnums and SMGs to grenade launchers with varying ammo types and infinite ammo RPGs the player definitely became quite the war machine once they had earned a fair amount of cash. Out of all these over powered end-game guns one always stood out to me and that was the tri-barrelled ‘Hydra’ shotgun. Achieved by fully upgrading the Ithaca shotgun the Hydra’s range, stopping power, and 3 shot capacity was enough to get a player through nearly the whole game on the hardest setting.
[youtube www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYYH5YMa7x0?rel=0&w=660&h=495%5D
3.) The Golden Gun, ‘Goldeneye 007’:
One shot, one kill. I can’t even guess the hours we spent playing this game on N64. The game was a sensation. The Call of Duty of it’s time without the criticism. Golden Gun mode was always the most tense. When a player got his or her blocky hands on that 24karat monster they were near impossible to stop if they had the least bit of skill. The franchise took a major dive after this release with RAREWARE loosing the license but it was kept up in spirit with ‘Perfect Dark’. A golden magnum was created to fill the role of Bond’s golden gun, packing just as much punch as it’s predecessor.
2.) Bottle-Rocket Launcher: ‘Bully’:
Ahhh Jimmy Hopkins, such a charming young lad. Always lending a helping hand to the elderly, achieving high marks in class and of course maintaining the utmost respect for the prefects patrolling the halls of Bullworth Academy. Oh, wait no he’s not! He’s blasting everybody in sight, in the crotch, with a freaking weapon of mass-prank-destruction. Bestowed upon Jimmy by the most elite of high-school D&D Nerds the bottle-rocket launcher was a most powerful weapon against Jimmy’s enemies (all of society) who would never turn a gun against him. In real life the poor the kid would probably be shot on the spot as soon as he aimed at a passing squad car but in his quirky little world he is more than safe from this type of retaliation. So let the sparks fly! Jocks, preps, greasers, alcoholic teachers, these didn’t make it across state lines within 24 hours and and they’re aimed at YOU.
1.) B.F.G, ‘DOOM’ series and others:
It’s The big daddy of all big daddy guns and more than fits the bill of “Big F-ing Gun”. From the first installment of one of the most influential, controversial and cherished shooters of all-time to it’s inclusion as an ammo type in Id’s latest, ‘RAGE’, the B.F.G has always been an overpowered dream and the first “super gun” in a game. Because of this I believe this classic, portable, sci-fi canon is more than deserving for the title of “Most Awesome Gun Ever in a Video Game”.
[youtube www.youtube.com/watch?v=-F-Ra2hzrm4?rel=0&w=660&h=371%5D