Here is the Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Villain Trailer!!! Looks cool….Enjoy!!!
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Ever get that feeling your being watched?? Do you meticulously check the locks on your doors?? Do you constantly look around the room scanning for something mysterious?? Do you constantly glance over your shoulder while walking alone down the street?? Yeah me neither but I thought I'd ask just because now your going to stop and think "Wait I don't do that....or do I ?" dun dun dun....Now that I have your attention I'm going to babel about some other things that you may or may not find interesting, read and enjoy them anyway...1. Chuck Norris, The Punisher, & Good Beer are Awesome! 2. I like boobies! You do to, it's ok to admit it! 3. I'm a fan of Good Comics, Video Games, Cartoons, Tv Shows, Movies, & Music. 4. If you can't laugh about it then you should forget it! 5. It is ok to randomly quote movies even in public where people may look at you funny and not know what the hell you are talking about! So if you have read everything to this point, there is a good chance your not ADD or you have found my random babeling interesting...Which proves I need to move on before I lose your attention completely. Oh and sorry there is no prize for reading this far, sorry maybe next time!
Stay Nerdy!!