I have waited impatiently to break this news. clicking on the browser to refresh and refresh and finally i can inform you all.
For years fans of Star Wars, and furthermore fans of the Fett have waited impatiently for Gentle Giants next contribution to the collections of Boba Fett. After many rumors and much hype earlier today with photos posted on Gentle Giants Facebook page, our prayers have been answered. We are getting the next Boba Fett deluxe mini bust at San Diego Comic Con 2013.
Every year people storm in the convention and its towered by Boba Fett looking over the crowd from the top of the Gentle Giant studios booth, and this year he’ll look over fans lining up wanting to get their hands on this bad boy. With multiple changing parts and a deluxe tin decorated with the green and reds and of course the bantha skull, we will not be disappointed.
Priced at $150 and limited to 2500 pieces, itll be available at the con and online for PG Members, my advice is GET THIS NOW! don’t say “later”, don’t say “oh i don’t know”, because if you snooze you will lose!!.
Ordered and on its way! Get'em while you can or be frozen in carbonite!!