I recently had the opportunity to catch up with Jeremiah Michael Stewart, founder and lead host of ‘Bombad Radio:Home of the Official TGC podcast’.
Jeremiah is a true fan and a hardcore Nerd who has put countless hours into his awesome podcast. Starting with not much more than some free software
and a die-hard passion for STAR WARS, Jeremiah has seen his show grow beyond his dreams and he now regularly lands guests the likes of Jeremy Bulloch (Boba Fett), Timothy Zahn (Famed STAR WARS writer of the ‘Thrawn Trilogy’) and Steve Sansweet (former Director of LucasFilm Fan Relations). I learned a ton speaking with Jeremiah, he is definitely a Nerd’s Nerd.
Ben, SomeWhatNerdy (SMWN): What got you into podcasting and can you tell our readers a little about what it is?
Jeremiah Michael Stewart (JMS): I grew up listening to old time radio or shall I say the show “when radio was” with Walter Cronkite which would play classic radio shows and dramas like Lone Ranger, The Shadow, Fiber McGee and Molly etc. I loved the radio (also Star Wars radio dramas were always being played) and I wanted to do that someday. Alas I was unable to find work in radio but one day on The Gungan Council, the message board I’ve been a member of since 2001 AND ON staff since 2004, was talking about starting a podcast and I said “screw it I’m doing it” and I jumped on board. I had just bought the Adobe Creative Suite Production Pack and had a sound booth and said I want to do this and I just started recording a podcast for The Gungan Council.
Now The Gungan Council, or TGC for short, is a Star Wars Roleplaying community, still around (started in 1999) and it started off as a get to know the board and members but in the 2 years since it’s grown to include star wars actors, comic books, authors, video games, and basically anyone I want to talk to about whatever subject and we just celebrated our 250,000th download a month or so ago!

SMWN: Your podcast is well known for landing interviews with really top notch STAR WARS guests. Who was the first “big name” interview you bagged and were you nervous?
JMS: Ah yes we’ve come a LONG way but the first one we got was James Arnold Taylor (voice of Obi-Wan Kenobi on The Clone Wars) in September of 2011…..we were allowed to ask 5 questions, pre-written. So we sent them in and when he responded with the answers via audio we were amazed that he talked about US and when he said THE GUNGAN COUNCIL as Obi-Wan we about died. The first guest we had LIVE with us was Steve Perry (Shadows of the Empire and Batman the Animated Series) and that was amazing. He was actually on for almost two hours with us talking Star Wars, Batman and more. I had him on the cam but my co-host could not see and though we were sloppy and nervous as could be, it was a great experience and I hope by now I’ve gotten a bit better.
SMWN: Tell us a little about production if you can, how long does it take to put a podcast together and what kind of equipment or software do you like to use?
JMS: Well that changed as we went. I record using Skype and a program called Pamela which, when I was cheap, recorded in 15 minute segments. Now I pay for it and don’t have to pause. I record on Skype sometimes its all in one sitting usually now its in segments especially with big guests. Then [on our] week off we record the intro and outro stuff. the connecting tissue, and then edit. Most episodes I can edit in an evening or morning and get them out. Some episodes require a bit more work than that, especially early on where I’d have to go through 3-4 times each.
SMWN: Do you have any ‘nightmare’ stories about some of your early technical difficulties?
JMS: Well I tried early on to do a radio drama. It was an episode inside my head that included “Zombie Justin Bieber” aka I shot him and he came back to life. Its called Inside Bane’s mind” it was a blast but my comp crashed 9x as I was doing the final save so I had to start over many times… took roughly 40 hours to do.
SMWN: On your show you have guests like Jeremy Lynch, Steve Sansweet and Tmothy Zahn. So you’ve had some really incredible episodes, are their any in particular that stand out to you as some of your favorites?
JMS: Yes quite a few But my favorites would have to be first James Arnold Taylor, he has been on twice, the 2nd time was at Celebration where we were trying to get him on and last second found out he got really busy but he could give me a hug and take a photo. I asked if he could answer three questions and he agreed and I got to ask him questions of faith, something not usually asked and I love that interview. Next would be Timothy Zahn, not exactly for the content but for the fact that it took 1.5 YEARS to get him on the show and finally it happened. The other highlights are Jennifer Hale (Femshep) the DAY Mass Effect 3 came out, John St. Jon who is on again this weekend (Duke Nukem) who is our … foul mouthed guest (never safe for work) and Tom Kane, who I love, who was definitely one of our most family friendly guests who showed off his voice work and talents for us!
SMWN: You are obviously a hardcore STAR WARS fanatic. When did you start to fall in love with the universe and what about it did you first find so intriguing?
JMS: I watched the original trilogy in the early 90s when I was under 5 years old, we had the original box set (not the THX remastered). I think I fell in love then and Then we got the radio dramas which expanded on the story. After that I read the books starting with Truce at Bakura when I was 7 or so. From then on it was Special Editions (which I love) the Prequels and wham… what I love was how big and epic the galaxy was. Every character, every planet, had a story. Every weapon was expanded on. A lot of siTes like the Old School GALACTIC EMPIRE DATABANK would talk about the battles, the ships and weapons and how the battle was fought, tactics used and would even ask fans their tactics for certain scenerios. Everything like that just drew me in.
SMWN: Okay being an interviewer yourself you know I have to ask at least one tough question so who is your favorite character in STAR WARS and why?
JMS: EU (Expanded Universe) or movies?
SMWN: How about both?
JMS: Well I am loving Zahn’s characters in the EU. Mara Jade and Thrawn are automatic sells for me. Choices of One is probably his best book for me as it includes both in their prime. They are just so complicated and deep characters. As far as movies go I love the design of Jango Fett, a gunslinger in star wars is a lot of fun and of course Darth Maul but if I had to go with deepest story or bigger name it has to be Obi-Wan.
SMWN: Personally I think Alec Guiness’s performance as Old Ben is one of the main factors in the success New Hope. He set such an ominous tone but if you had to pick one actor other than Sir Alec from that era to be cast as Old Ben who do you think would have been a good choice?
JMS: I think Guinness has become so much into the character that its hard to separate them but Christopher Lee could have played Obi-Wan back then. Think about it, he was coming off Dracula etc. Think of how much different the character could have been
SMWN: Can you tell us fans of the podcast a little about what you and the show has planned for the future?
JMS: Well I am a 25 year old student of Human Development at BYU. I graduate in April (just under a month) and I get married next month. Which means the podcast will go on break for the summer. BUT it’s not a total break. After a few more episodes this month with Stephen Stanton (Clone WArs), John St. Jon (Duke Nukem), and Michael Moorcock (Elric Saga Author). We will go on break and then have a best of show Memorial Day Weekend for our anniversary. This summer we will release episodes with my co-host and guest hosts with segments already being done about movies, book reviews etc. Also we have at least 3 conventions being covered by [my] co-host and [our] fans and we will be posting panels and thoughts from them. Of course I get back in August where we will start it off with a bang with author Troy Denning and Clone Wars writer Brent Friedman.