Today we have a special treat. I have an interview with a local cosplayer. Like myself, she is from Louisiana. I discovered this young lady through deviantart.com and I really enjoy some of her cosplays, especially the X-men ones. Anyway, here is my interview with the talented and beautiful, Cheeker Cosplay.
1. Who are you and where are you from?
I am CheekerCosplay, otherwise known as Megan and I am from Louisiana.
2. How did you discover cosplay?
One of my high school teachers actually turned me on to it. She’s also a cosplayer and really inspired me to start.
3. I really love your Shadowcat cosplay? What made you choose her?
Thank you so much! I absolutely LOVE the X-Men. ShadowCat is my all time favorite. I just love her so much. Her powers, her personality, everything. Although I loved her before, I think Astonishing X-Men really made her my all time favorite. She was just AMAZING in that series.
4. Have you cosplayed other comic characters?
Yes, I have. So far I’ve only done female X-Men characters, (two versions of ShadowCat, Emma Frost, Pixie, Dark Phoenix, Marvel Girl) although I am working on DeeDee from BatMan Beyond as well as Stephanie Brown BatGirl.
5. What other genres do you cosplay?
I cosplay anime, video games, and comic book characters. A majority of my cosplays are anime based but comic book cosplay would have to be my favorite genre.
6. Do you go to conventions to show off your cosplay or do you do photo shoots only?
I always bring two to four costumes to conventions. I love it so much, I get so caught up going around in cosplay that I barely even go to any panels. Although most of my costumes HAVE been worn to cons, I do have some that have only been used for photo-shoots.
7. Do you do other modeling besides cosplay?
I haven’t done any serious modeling yet besides taking photos. But I am a member of the D20 Girls and Charisma+2. Hopefully I’ll be able to get more serious about modeling in the future.
8. What are your plans for the future?
I really hope that I can go somewhere with cosplay. I’d love to be a featured guest at conventions and for people everywhere to know who I am. Cosplaying is that one thing that I consider myself really good at, I hope it can all work out for me.
9. Where can my readers see more examples of your work?
You can follow me on FaceBook at www.facebook.com/cheekercosplay for all of my photos and constant updates. I also have a DeviantART at cheekercosplay.deviantart.com/ for occasional photos. Or you could follow my Tumblr at sakakiosaka.tumblr.com/ for my everyday shenanigans and lots of random reblogs.
10. If you had to pick one cosplay, which one is your favorite?
My favorite currently is my new ShadowCat cosplay. As I said before, I just LOVE her character so much. I feel like I really relate to her. The costume was a last minute one I had decided I wanted to do like, two days before MobiCon 2012 and I was really scared it was going to turn out ugly. But once I put it all together I fell in love.