Looking for a solid comic to enjoy in October? Looking for a tale that shows you what the Bat is afraid of? Well, look no longer… Batman: Kings of Fear is the story-arc you are looking for. I am only two issues in and I am hooked. Hell, who am I kidding? I was hooked with issue #1! Issue #3 will be released on October 24, and I cannot wait!
Batman: Kings of Fear is brilliantly written by the great Scott Peterson with illustrations from Kelley Jones. This is a six issue mini-series that is perfect for some fall reading.
The story begins with Batman capturing the Joker and returning him to Arkham Asylum. While the Bat is talking to a disgruntled employee, the alarm sounds off and some of the deadliest of Batman’s foes escape and attack with full force. Their victory is short lived…or was it? When Batman regains control, the staff at Arkham realize they are on inmate short. Can you guess who? With the title of the series being called Kings of Fear, I hope you answered the Scarecrow. Was the riot a plan to let the Scarecrow escape? Only Jonathan Crane knows and he isn’t around to tell.
While Batman searches for Dr. Crane, he is surprised to find that the Scarecrow was looking for him as well. With a brief encounter, the Scarecrow uses the advantage of surprise to gas our favorite detective with his fear toxins and then escaped into the night. At first it appeared that our hero wasn’t phased by the gas, that is until he attacked an innocent thinking they were someone else. What else does the Scarecrow have in store for the Batman? Who knows, only time will tell.
I want to tell you more about what happened in the first two issues of Kings of Fear but I cannot. I do not want to ruin what I consider some of the best writing to come out of a Batman story-line since Hush. (That’s my opinion, feel free to disagree) The artwork also adds to the story. It helps set the mood of the story and really pulls you in. I may only be two issues in, but I give this mini-series a strong 9 out of 10 rating. The only reason I have not given it a perfect score is the simple fact that there are 4 issues remaining. So what are you waiting for? Go to your local comic store and pick up issues 1 and 2 today, or wait until Wednesday and pick up issue 3 while you are at it. :)
Until next time, get your READ on!