Greetings my fellow lovers of Cosplay, how the hell have you been? I apologize for the absence of my Cosplay Spotlights but I have been busy, not only in my personal life, but in my blogging life as well. I have been dedicated in getting bigger and better interviews not only for my personal blog, Derf’s Domain but for Somewhatnerdy as well. In the world of Cosplay, I feel I have one of the biggest up and coming superstars of that world right here for you in this interview. She is as talented as she is beautiful and her work is being featured world wide. Who knows, in the near future she may be the next big thing in Cosplay. Nerds and Nerdettes, I present to you Elena Blueskies Cosplay.
SWN: Who are you and where are you from?
Elena: My name is Elena! I’m originally from Wisconsin, but I’ve been in NYC for about 5 years now.
SWN: How did you discover cosplay?
Elena: I sort of accidentally discovered cosplay. At NYCC ’13, a friend and I thought it would be fun to dress up – we had seen some photos online, and thought “hey, we could do that!” I made us Kitana and Jade (from Mortal Kombat) costumes for us. We had no idea what we were in for! My first con of full cosplay was last year’s C2E2, and I haven’t stopped since.
SWN: I really love your version of Black Canary, what made you want to cosplay her?
Elena: This is literally the only cosplay I’ve done that wasn’t completely handmade by myself. I chose Black Canary for a sponsorship with Costume Supercenter based on items in their catalogue that I could use to put together a “no-sew” costume. You can find a full review of the products they provided on my Facebook Page! I have many other cosplays that I chose based on my favorite characters and aesthetics, and put countless hours into creating.
SWN: What other genres do you cosplay? Which genre is your favorite?
Elena: I cosplay mainly video game and comic book characters. I definitely love video game cosplays! I also recently debuted my first anime cosplay!
SWN: What is your favorite way to show off a new cosplay?
Elena: I try to get into character as much as possible! It’s very important to me to have the right makeup and hair to bring the cosplay together in photos.
SWN: If you had to pick one, which cosplay is your favorite?
Elena: My favorite is my Ame-Comi Holiday Catwoman. It came together so well and has so many details. I executed it very close to the actual figure. I’m pretty proud of this one!
SWN: What was your first cosplay?
Elena: My first cosplay was Jade from Mortal Kombat. It continues to be one of my favorites!
SWN: Do you have any new cosplays that you are working on at this moment?
Elena: My latest completed cosplay was an alternate version of Chun-li from Street Fighter for the Sakura Matsuri Festival in Brooklyn that took place April 2015.
SWN: Where can our readers see more of your work?
Elena: I’m on Instagram as @elenablueskies, and on Facebook as Elena Blueskies Cosplay.
SWN: What advice do you have for “newbies” of the Cosplay scene?
Elena: I think it’s important to recognize that cosplay can be whatever you want it to be. As long as you’re having fun in the end, it’s all worth it. There is no right or wrong way to cosplay – store bought, commissioned, or hand-made.