It is once again for me to place a spotlight on someone in the world of cosplay. Today, we have a treat from the land down under. She is taking over the cosplay scene with each new costume she creates. She is as talented as she is beautiful. This interview will leave you wanting more, so I suggest you check out her Facebook and Instagram pages and follow her so you can be up to date on her newest creations. Nerds and Nerdettes, here is my interview with Sins of Yesterday.
SWN: Who are you and where are you from?
SoY: Hello! My name is Ashley and I’m originally from a little town call Oswaldtwistle, but now I reside in the beautiful Cairns, in the Far North Queensland, Australia
SWN: Just curious, what does your name Sins of Yesterday represent?
SoY: It’s actually taken from a Billy Talent song called Red Flag. The other love of my life (after cosplay of course) is music, and back in high school I discovered the band Billy Talent and after a breaking up with my high school sweetheart decided that Sins of Yesterday was a great gamer tag as he would always be my sin from yesterday… and it has stuck with me ever since! It’s even the name I use at my local laser tag center! I guess I was a bit emo when I was a teenager!
SWN: I was introduced to you by a mutual NERD and Friend, aka Raz, and he told me I needed to check out your cosplays. SO I did, and here we are. What made you want to get into the world of COSPLAY?
SoY: Haha, Raz is awesome! Thanks for the hook up Raz!! I’ve always been a massive game & comic book fan and always loved the whole dress up idea, every year for my birthday I would organize a fancy dress theme and always had heaps of fun, when I realized it was actually a thing you could do as a hobby I was instantly in love. I was never brave enough to travel around on my own to conventions though so when there was a convention here in Cairns last year I figured it was “now or never” so I made myself my first cosplay and prop combo and hit the convention, I had so much fun and met so many awesome people. I knew instantly that was where I belonged and what I loved to do. I also had a lot of encouragement from Tiff-Toaster Cosplay, Evey Dantes – Dantes Inferno & Twerkin Gherkin, they were instrumental in making me feel confident enough to put myself out there. All of them have pages on Facebook I highly recommend checking out!!
SWN: I really love your many versions of Harley Quinn, what made you want to cosplay her?
SoY: I know a lot of female cosplayers who just love Harley. I guess it’s because she’s so easy to relate to. Most, if not all, girls have at one time or another been in love with someone we knew was no good for us but we loved them too much to leave. We’ve all been a psycho at some point as well, and Harley really allows us to bring that out in ourselves. She’s so much fun to cosplay because even though she’s technically a villain she still has a good heart, like her love for her animals, and she’s always over excited about everything and she’s a massive nerd, right down to her love of Wonder Woman (which is another thing Harley & I have in common)!
SWN: What other genres do you cosplay?
SoY: I’m currently working on a few different things which are game, movie and anime based,
SWN: Which genre is your favorite?
SoY: I guess comic book superheros and their villains will always be my favorite, as it is where my love for cosplay really began.
SWN: What is your favorite way to show off a new cosplay?
SoY: I have a number of friends who are great at photography, so I always enjoy lining up shoots with them when I have completed my cosplay, we’re currently scouting locations for a couple of upcoming shoots.
SWN: If you had to pick one, which cosplay is your favorite?
SoY: The Pajama Party Harley Quinn I took to Brisbane Supanova last year, it’s so cute and so comfortable! I literally got to spend my day wondering around in my PJ’s and bunny slippers! I had so much fun with that one!
SWN: What was your first cosplay?
SoY: I count my first as the one I wore to the convention in Cairns last year which was my 1st Harley Quinn, It was inspired by the new 52 DC series and I loved it. I was proud of my hammer as well! Took my weeks to build and get right. But I was unofficially cosplaying prior to that, just at fancy dress parties etc and my first one in that scenario would have been Supergirl.
SWN: Do you have any new cosplays that you are working on at this moment?
SoY: Yes!! I’m incredibly busy at the moment with cosplays, I have 3 which I’ve just completed, which are Sweet Pea from the movie Sucker Punch, Jareth, the Goblin King from Labyrinth (this will be my tribute to my first musical love, David Bowie) & Ginko Yurishiro from Yurikuma Arashi so I’m setting up shoots for those as we speak! I also have Yuna from Final Fantasy on the go as well as a punk version of a character from Pokemon, Erza from Fairy Tail and a Sailor Moon character which is a secret. I am also working on two armour builds at the moment, an armoured Elsa for a battle Disney group and an armoured Harley Quinn, just for fun, both of those will be debuted in June at Sydney and Melbourne… hopefully. I am also working with a makeup artist here in Cairns to do a bodypainted cosplay shoot.
SWN: Where can our readers see more of your work?
SoY: You can always find me on my Facebook page or on my instagram.