Let me just start this review off by saying issue #3 begins with some of the best G. I. Joe art that I have ever seen on the first page of a comic. It is amazing! It lets you know that this issue will kick ass! There’s nothing like opening a book and seeing Destro in all his glory asking if you are ready to begin. Turn the page and you get Major Bludd complaining about doing all the dirty work, but someone needs to do it.
Anyway, back to the story, Destro is sending Zartan, Firefly, and Bludd on a mission to plant and set Destro’s missiles that will insure a major victory for Cobra. Only thing is, it can be a suicide mission if they don’t watch it. As this mission is being discussed, Abby thinks her cover is blown, but Zartan stops her from making a mistake. It looks like Abby’s cover is still secure; for the moment.
Meanwhile, on the USS Flagg, the Joes are planning a rescue/stop Cobra mission. They find out the main plans of Cobra by one of Danger Girl’s talented hackers. As the hacker gets in the system, the Joes get a message from Abby Chase with all the Intel they need to catch up and help them plan their next course of action.
The Joes take this Intel and put it to good use. They target key locations to Destro’s plans and prepare for ambushing Cobra. Back at Cobra Command, Abby tries her best to free the Joes from their upcoming execution only to fall in a trap. What will happen to Abby? Make sure to get issue #4 next month to see.
I have really enjoyed this crossover and hope they plan on making more. The writing is great and the art is amazing! I give this issue a 12 out of 10 rating, mainly because my boy Zartan kicks ass in this issue. Now you know and knowing is half the battle.
Writer: Andy Hartnell Inks: Phillip Moy
Pencils: John Royle Publisher: IDW
Danger Girl created by J. Scott Campbell & Andy Hartnell