The word “Mapone” continues to drive Ben Urich to dig further in Daredevil’s last days. Who or what is “Mapone” and why does no one from Matt’s past know what it means? Well, Ben is determined to find out. In the beginning of issue #4 it seems that Ben’s trail may be hot or cold, depending on how you look at it.
Ben is called to a crime scene. The victim is Bullseye and the crime is murder, or is it a suicide? The victim of this crime isn’t the only thing that draws Ben to the scene. Above the body of Bullseye, is the word “Mapone” written in blood. Why does this word keep popping up and what does it have to do with Daredevil? While looking at the crime scene, Ben overhears that a woman dressed in red was seen leaving the building after the sound of gunfire. Ben immediately thinks he may have a clue.
Ben goes to a super hero themed strip joint and looks to talk with an “old friend”. After some words between Ben and a bouncer as well as the establishment’s owner, Ben is granted permission to talk to one of the girls. This girl is visibly shaken by what she saw. Ben is also interested in her attire, she is dressed like Elektra. It turns out Bullseye wanted to party before he checked out of this world. She said she thought she was going to die, especially since he wasn’t making sense. He kept saying he was magic and repeating a word over and over. Can you guess what that word is? You got it, “Mapone”.
Well, Ben gets all he can out of the girl and decides to visit someone who may know what “Mapone” means. Since Daredevil and Bullseye cannot tell him, why not someone who has history with both men. To talk to this man, he has to travel to Ryker’s Island. Even though Ben is protected from the prisoner in many ways, this prisoner still strikes fear into Ben’s heart. Who is this prisoner you ask? The prisoner is none other than Frank Castle aka the Punisher. As you may imagine, Frank tries to get rid of Ben, but Ben says that magic word, “Mapone” and a fire burn’s in Frank’s eyes. Just what does “Mapone” mean to the Punisher? We will have to wait for issue #5 to see.
Mack and Bendis have done it again. This is truly a literary masterpiece! The word “Mapone” will go down in history as the “Rosebud” of our generation. Those of us familiar with the film Citizen Kane realize what Rosebud ending up meaning but it is that mystery that makes it stick out decades after it was first whispered on the silver screen. That is the power behind the word “Mapone”. It is a mystery and even when we found out what it means, it is that mystery that makes it great! I have been giving past issues from this series a perfect rating of 10 out of 10, but this issue I give a rating of 15 out of 10. This story continues to thrill and it is meant to be read once you pick it up. I am hooked on this book and I cannot wait to see where it goes.
Writers: Brain Michael Bendis & David Mack
Pencils: Klaus Janson
Cover: Alex Maleev
Publisher: Marvel Comics