February is right around the corner and you know what that means…It’s that time of year you get to spend a little quality time with that special someone. Of course, I’m referring to the one and only merc with the mouth, DEADPOOL!
“Draw me like one of your French girls. But add some dragons fighting robotic bears and stuff.”
If you’re a nerd, you’ve probably known this movie has been in the works for quite some time. Just when you thought it was making some headway, it dropped right back to nothing. Then at a dark moment when it seemed it was going to be shelved for good, some leaked test footage starring the voice of one Ryan Reynolds re-sparked studio interest in the film since nerds everywhere went nucking futs over it.
Since then, everything to do with the Deadpool movie has been met with open arms by the nerd community. Which is super strange and rare. I’m sure most of you are familiar with “nerd rage.” Nerd rage is when a nerd just starts hating on something for nerd based reasons. And pretty much every movie dealing with comics has been subject to harsh scrutiny via nerd rage. Except for when Deadpool started production. As a whole, everyone seems to be genuinely excited to see this movie. Probably because they stayed very accurate to the source material, so that means lots of crude humor, colorful language, and gratuitous violence. The holy trinity of Deadpool’s personality (and in my opinion, the cornerstones of a great movie in general). It’s also one of Marvel’s first R-rated movies in a very long time, and the very first in the X-Men cinematic universe. Which brings me to the only bit of nerd rage floating around about Deadpool. Of course I’m talking about the mom who started a petition to get a PG-13 version of the movie so her son could go see it. This…pissed…everyone…off.
Lady, just ovary up and take your kid to see the Rated-R version. Let him think you’re cool for once.
Which I think says something about how excited people are for this movie. The only negative uproar was over making everyone’s favorite wise cracking, foul-mouthed, hyper violent masked anti-hero possibly not able to drop as many F-bombs or decapitate as many people as he would like. Which, if you know the character, is what makes him great and it’s understandable why Deadpool fans everywhere were pretty pissed over even the possibility of this being a PG-13 movie. Luckily, this lady’s 1,000 signatures amounted to a whole lot of nothing. Deadpool has a hard R rating. Hopefully the biggest hardest R you’ve ever seen.
And the marketing for this movie is amazing bordering on genius. Here are a few pieces of the campaign. To see more, go to the official movie site here or google the 12 Days of Deadpool. You won’t be disappointed. Words my parents have never thought of me.
I for one, am super pumped to see this movie, and plan on centering my Valentine’s Day weekend around Deadpool. Sorry ladies.
Or come with me ladies. It’s pretty much a date movie. But with a tad more dismemberment than the Notebook.
Deadpool stars Ryan Reynolds and Morena Baccarin, in theaters February 12th, 2016.