This week I am starting a new post. Every Tuesday, I will post what I feel are the must read comics of the weeks. That way, when the new comics come out on the following Wednesday, you can got to your local comic store or shop using comixology.com to get these books. I personally get my comics online using Comixology through one of their stores called Horizon Comics. SO, I hope you like me new weekly post known simply as Derf’s Comic Picks of the Week. Let us begin shall we?
Dark Horse Comics:
Well as you know I am a die hard Star Wars fan so it shouldn’t surprise you that I chose Star Wars #6 as a must read. If you haven’t been reading this latest telling of all our favorite rebels and smugglers then you need to catch up.
DC Comics:
For my first selection from DC Comics, I pick the Green Lantern Corps #21. The Corps has lost a lot of members since their war with the Third Army and the First Lantern. The Guardians are dead and Hal is in charge. What will be the fate of the Corps? Get issue #21 to find out.
My next DC title is the Masters of the Universe Origin of Hordak #1 (one-shot). I am a big fan of the Masters of the Universe so this is a hands down easy pick for me. Also, who wouldn’t like to know more about someone who could even make Skeletor jump?
My final selection from DC Comics is the most anticipated book that I know of to date to come form the new 52 and that is Superman Unchained. Issue #1 hits newsstands this Wednesday, June 12 and I for one am super excited about it.
IDW Publishing:
I go to IDW for my G. I. Joe and Transformers needs and this week Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters #2 hits the shelves. I love the Dinobots so this issue is a no brainer for me. Grimlock say read it!
Marvel Comics:
Two great Wolverine titles come out tomorrow, Wolverine #4 and Savage Wolverine #6. Wolverine #4 ends the Hunting storyline where Wolverine is fighting a biological Attack. In Savage Wolverine #6, Spider-man teams up with Logan in a new story arc starting with issue #6, so it should be good. Whenever Logan and Spidey team up the stories are usually solid.
So there you have it, my picks of the week. I hope you enjoy this post and the ones that are to come. If you want to see the covers to these issues, head over to my Derf’s Domain FB page (www.facebook.com/pages/Derfs-Domain/127125660672723) and look for this weeks picks. I will however grace this post with the kick ass cover of Superman Unchained #1 by the great Jim Lee. Until next week, Happy Reading!