Well, new comics came out yesterday and there is no shortage of excitement. From the beginning of Villain’s month at DC, to the continuing saga that is Infinity at Marvel as well as their launch of the Battle of the Atom in the X-titles. This was and still is a week to get some amazing titles.
DC Comics:
The Trinity War is “over” but the shit has hit the fan. If you do not know to what I am referring, I suggest you read the six part Trinity War story arc in the Justice League books. The villains are in charge, and it appears it might stay that way if the latest issues from DC Comics have anything to do with it. This week saw the emergence of a lot of #1’s in celebration of Forever Evil. I couldn’t afford all the kick ass comics with the 3 D covers but these are the titles I put in my folder.
Earth 2 #15.1, Green Arrow #23.1, Green Lantern # 23.1, Justice League #23.1, and Justice League of America #7.1.
These are not the only titles that I picked up from DC. I also picked up Batman: Black & White #1 as well as DC vs. the Masters of the Universe #1.
Marvel Comics:
DC may have thrown in some good punches, but Marvel is down for the count. The titles I picked up are:
Battle of the Atom #1, All New X-men #16 (BoA part 2), Avengers A.I. #3, Daredevil: Dark Knights #4, Deadpool Kills Deadpool #3, Infinity #2, and the Superior Foes of Spider-man #3.
Whether you are a Marvel or a DC, you need to go to your local comic supplier and stock up on this weeks haul. Until next time, Get your read on!