New Comic Book Day was yesterday and all I can say is, “He’s Back!” The long awaited return of the blue furry elf Nightcrawler has finally come to pass. I haven’t been this excited about a comic book in a long time. What did you think of Kurt’s return? I think it is fantastic! Amazing X-men #1 isn’t the only issue I picked up though. There are some great stories out there including Earth 2 #17 which was colored by HiFi design (Interview I did with Brian Miller from HiFi a while back HERE.)
Here are my picks of the week.
DC Comics:
Batman Black & White (2013-) #3 (of 6)
Forever Evil (2013-) #3 (of 7)
Hinterkind #2 (MR) (Vertigo)
Dark Horse:
Star Wars #3 (of 8) Lucas Draft
Daredevil: Dark Nights #6 (of 8)
Longshot Saves Marvel Universe #1 (of 4)
Marvel Knights Spider-Man #2 (of 5)
Well, there you have it, my picks for the week. Until next time, Unleash your inner NERD and get your read on!