It’s New Comic Book Day and I am totally excited! Why? Because the first issue of the new Punisher series hits the shelves. I couldn’t be happier! Speaking of Punisher news, I am in the process of interviewing Mitch Gerads, the latest artist to bring the Punisher to life, so be looking for that interview in the future. Now let’s get to my list of must reads, at least in my opinion.
Dark Horse:
Star Wars Lucas Draft #5 (of 8) Lucas Draft
DC Comics:
Forever Evil (2013-) #5 (of 7)
Forever Evil: Arkham War (2013-) #5 (of 6)
Marvel Knights: Spider-Man (2013-) #5 (of 5)
Well, that’s my list, I hope you see something you enjoy. Please feel free to let me know what you are reading, who knows I might want to check it out. Until next time, get your READ on!