Well it is that time once again, another New Comic Book Day is upon us and it is time I give you my picks. I must warn you, its tax time so my list this week is short and sweet. I will however, tell you about some other titles that will peek your interest even though I will not be getting them myself. First, lets have a look at my list.
Dark Horse:
DC Comics:
Forever Evil: Rogues Rebellion (2013-) #5 (of 6)
Justice League of America (2013-) #12 (evil)
Justice League 3000 (2013-) #3 (A MUST READ)
Marvel Knights: X-Men (2013-) #4 (of 5)
Phew! I told you my list was short, LoL. Now lets look at some other recommended titles.
DC Comics:
Green Lantern Corps (2011-) #28
Red Sonja Berserker (One-Shot)
Winter Soldier Bitter March #1
Well there you have it, my picks for this week. I really hope you get something you will really enjoy.
Until next time, get your READ on!