Boy oh boy is this a week I have been waiting for! Not only is tomorrow New Comic Book Day and I get to find out what is going on with the Punisher as well as Moon Knight, but there is a kick ass action figure coming out as well. The action figure that I am talking about this week is Firestorm from the Forever Evil line of villains. As our die hard readers already know, I am a die hard Firestorm fan so getting that action figure was an obvious task that I must complete. Enough chit chat, let’s take a closer look at my picks of the week.
Derf’s Picks:
DC Comics:
Deadpool vs. Carnage #1 (of 4)
Marvels Guardians of the Galaxy Prelude #1 (of 2)
What If Age of Ultron #1 (of 5)
DC Comics Super Villains Deathstorm AF