Another glorious week has come and gone which leaves me to believe it can only get better. Not only is tomorrow the first day of October (one of the coolest months there is) but it is also New Comic Book Day. My list is short and sweet once again due to the end of the Future’s End one-shots, but have no fear…Axis is here, LoL. Anyway, let’s take a look at my short list for this week. I must warn you, even though my list is short, it has one of the most talked about issues that Marvel has had in a long time, Thor #1.
Derf’s Picks:
DC Comics:
Batman Essentials the Black Mirror Spec Ed #1
Justice League 3000 (2013-) #10
The New 52: Futures End #22 (weekly)
Well, that’s my list for this week. Like I said earlier, it’s a short list, but I guarantee it will pack a punch.
Until next time, get your READ on!