Today is Wednesday which means two things. One, it is time for another pulse-pounding episode of Arrow and Two, NEW COMICS! That’s right, it is New Comic Book Day. This week is a little slow in my opinion, but there are still some good titles out there. So, let’s get started.
Derf’s Picks:
Boom Studios:
Jim Henson’s Dark Crystal Vol. 1: Creation Myths TP
DC Comics:
Earth 2: World’s End (2014-) #20
The New 52: Futures End #42 (weekly)
Superman/Wonder Woman (2013-) #16 (MAGOG)
Dynamite Express:
King Mandrake Magician #1 (of 4)
Legenderry Green Hornet #1 (of 5)
Iron Fist: The Living Weapon #9
Well, that is my list for this week. Until next time, get your READ on!