Greetings fellow NERDs, it’s Tuesday so you know what that means. It’s time for me to give you a glimpse to the titles that I will be getting tomorrow on New Comics Day. And as always, I will be getting my comics via Comixology, the best thing since sliced bread. There are some key issues being released tomorrow and it will not be hard to find something worth reading. Let’s get started with my list shall we?
First of all let me start by saying the above image is the latest Trinity War multi-cover masterpiece. The first issue that makes up this title is the New 52’s Justice League of America #7. The Trinity War has been a really big hit for DC Comics, and it will help set the tone for Forever Evil, the next major storyline to come out from the DC Comics camp in the near future. Needless to say I will be picking JLA #7 up ass well as the other books that I am listing below. Trust me, anyone will find an issue to get their read on this week.
Let’s kick things off with Dark Horse Comics.
Star Wars #8 is a must simply because Luke and Wedge allow themselves to be captured to see if their is a spy in their midst.
Halo Initiation #1 follows the journey of one Sarah Palmer and her adventures in the Spartan IV program.
Next up is DC Comics.
Well, as you already know, I will be following the latest details of the Trinity War in issue #7 of the Justice League of America.
Threshold #8 marks the finale of this short lived, but entertaining series.
Green Lantern Corps #23 introduces the new Green Lantern training officer. It’s none other than John Stewart.
There are other interesting titles including the Bat-titles but it is time I move on to the Marvel Comics releases for tomorrow.
Infinity #1 is the main issue that I am waiting for simply because Thanos is by far one of the best villains of comic history.
Uncanny X-Men #10 let’s us see S.H.I.E.L.D.’s new secret “weapon” and Cyclops loses full control of his powers. That alone makes a promising read.
Wolverine #8 follows Logan on his journey for a cure of his new “humanity”.
There are all kinds of great titles being released tomorrow for New Comic Day, but this is all I have time for. Remember to always stay up to date on your ready by using Comixology. Not only can you get digital comics from them, but you can do what I do which is get my physical issues through the mail. That is all for this week’s picks, until next time, Get Your Read On!