Greetings all, it is that time yet again. What time is it? Well, it’s New Comic Book Day, that’s what time. This week is also a special week because Saturday is Free Comic Book Day so make sure to make an extra special effort to get to your local comic store on Saturday. There is a lot of cool free comics to pick up this year as well as other trinkets that you might enjoy. But enough about what you could get, let’s talk about what you should get with my picks of the week.
Dark Horse:
The Order of the Forge #1 (of 3)
DC Comics:
Garbage Pail Kids Fables Fantasy & Farts #1 (One-Shot)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #45
Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye Ongoing #40
New Avengers Ultron Forever #1
Well, that does it for this edition of Derf’s Comic Picks of the Week. I hope you find something that interests you.
Don’t forget to go by your local comic store Saturday and claim all your Free Comic Book Day goodies.
Until next time, get your READ on!