Another great week for reading comics!
You can find key issues to story lines this week as well as the rebirth of a legend.
Let’s just go ahead and get started, okay?
DC Comics:
Batman Arkham Knight Genesis #2 (of 6)
Bizarro (2015-) #4 (of 6) (Absolutely love this series)
Alice Cooper vs. Chaos #1 (of 5) Rare Chin Virgin Ed
Aliens Vampirella #1 (of 6) Rare Hardman Virgin Ed
Voltron From the Ashes #1 (of 6) (I have an interview coming soon with an artist from this series.)
68 Last Rights #2 (of 4) (MR) Cvr A Jones & Fotos
Tokyo Ghost #1 (MR) Cvr A Murphy
Secret Wars Journal (2015) #5 (of 5) (Story by the Soska Sisters)
Shield 50th Anniversary #1: Agent Carter (One-Shot)
Well that’s all I got for this week. Stay tuned to the same Nerd time on the same Nerd channel for more picks.
Until next time, get your READ on!