Greetings True Believers,
How about that Star Wars trailer? I mean, wow! And did you see the Flash today? Great episode as well as a necessary episode. Well, I have some more items that will blow your mind with this week’s picks for New Comic Book Day. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the list of goodies that you know you will be getting soon.
Dark Horse:
DC Comics:
Batman: Arkham Knight – Genesis #3 (of 6)
Justice Leage A League of One TP
Voltron From the Ashes #2 (of 6)
Journey Star Wars Fase #4 (of 4)
What If Infinity Guardians of the Galaxy #1
Well, that’s it for this week. I hope you are able to see something that you will pick up this week.
Until next time, get your READ on and May the Force be with you!