Well, well, well, if it isn’t Super Bowl Weekend already. Who plans on watching the big game? Well, this year I can honestly say it is not a must watch for me. I will just have the TV on in the background while I catch up on my reading. In fact, I think I am going to have a Super Bowl of my own, but the teams will be Marvel Vs. DC. Yeah, that sounds good. Let’s see who has the best plays in store for this week.
Derf’s Picks:
DC Comics:
Earth 2: World’s End (2014-) #17
Justice League Dark (2011-) #38
Showcase Presents: Blue Beetle TP
Gotg All New X-Men: Trial of Jean Grey TP
Well it appears that both teams have some strong “plays” this week and it could go either way. However, I am siding with Team DC not only because there were more issues released this week, but simply because the issues that were released are very vital to major story lines. Check out the titles for yourself and tell me who you think won this week. Until next time, get your READ on!