It is the first week of May and I am excited to announce it is finally time for Free Comic Book Day!
I know your new comics come out tomorrow (Wednesday),
but you may want to wait until Saturday to pick up your stash.
Let’s take a look at the new books I will be getting this week.
Dark Horse
DC Comics
All New Guardians of the Galaxy #1
Guardians of the Galaxy Mother Entropy #1 (of 5)
Guardians of the Galaxy The Mission Breakout #1
Secret Empire (2017-) #1 (of 9)
Star Wars: Rogue One Adaptation (2017) #2 (of 6)
Well hell, I guess make mine MARVEL is the theme of the week, LoL.
Until next time, get your READ on and as always, Unleash your inner NERD!
Cover of the Week
Star Wars: Rogue One Adaption #2
Cover Art by Phil Noto