It has been two long weeks since I made my picks. I apologize about that but “life” got in the way. You may ask yourself, if its been two weeks since we last heard from Derf, why did he choose today of all days to return? Well, today is New Comic Book Day and I am sure some of you have already hit the stores and got your fill. But I’m here to share what I will be getting this week, so don’t be surprised if you see something on my list that will have you running back to the store for more comics.
Jim Henson’s The Power of the Dark Crystal #6 (of 12)
Sisters of Sorrow #2 (of 4) (MR) Main & Mix
DC Comics
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #27
Nightwing the New Order #1 (of 6)
Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe Again (2017) #4 (of 5)
Edge of Venomverse (2017) #5 (of 5)
Generations Unworthy Thor & The Mighty Thor #1
Secret Empire (2017-) #9 (of 10)
Star Wars Doctor Aphra Annual #1
Well, that completes my list for this week.
I was right wasn’t I, you saw something else you need to get didn’t ya? :)
Anyway, until next time, get your READ on!
Comic Cover of the Week
X-Men Gold #10
Cover Art by Ken Lashley