This Friday is Friday the 13th and I want to know if you have any “haunting” plans?
Since I will be at work, I guess my scary times will have to wait until I get home.
I’ll probably read a book or two, maybe three or four, who knows the score?
Let’s take a look at my reading selection for this wonderful week.
Dark Horse
Hellboy & B.P.R.D. 1955 Occult Intelligence #2 (of 3)
DC Comics
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #30
Justice League (2011- ) of America #16
Mister Miracle #3 (of 12) (MR)
Wildstorm Michael Cray #1 (of 12)
Wormwood Goes To Washington #1 (of 3)
Marvel Horror Magazine Collection TP
Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (2016-) #13
Well, I have more to read than I thought.
Looks like my weekend is booked, but I’ll make sure to get out on the 13th to do some scaring around town.
Until next time, get your READ on!
Comic Cover of the Week
KISS/Vampirella #5 (Variant Cover)
Cover by Carli Ihde